Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Progress Update

Cmon guys, i have all respect for TG and everything they have done and im gratefull but these threads are starting to go quiet now is there anyone out there that can inform us of the situation and speak out about the patch.
Im pretty pissed. This is my first post here, and I have been waiting, Patiently, in hopes of not having to. I bought the game on STEAM, so I do NOT have any BETA patches to make this game playable. It is, in all reality, a poor excuse for a cricket game at retail level. I was really hoping that a patch, with everyones complaints, would be released. Now, I may not be savy to all that is game coding, but it seems that the changes required to make this game playable are mostly code. No hardcore graphic stuff or anything which would require long periods of quality testing. I mean really, what is the big deal? Why so much silence. I am sorry for the peeps that got sacked but, HEY! they did not deliver on product. if I were Co9dies I would have emptied their desks before a release date was made. Lets face it who would buy a coke without gas? A golf club set with clubs that only hit 50 yard shots?

I am pretty screwed with this whole setup, no matter how you all feel about this, I am a steam user and get no beta or any tit bits. Just what was sold retail. A piece of crap game, that should be out on shareware sites.

thank you so much Transmission and Codies

Im pretty pissed. This is my first post here, and I have been waiting, Patiently, in hopes of not having to. I bought the game on STEAM, so I do NOT have any BETA patches to make this game playable. It is, in all reality, a poor excuse for a cricket game at retail level. I was really hoping that a patch, with everyones complaints, would be released. Now, I may not be savy to all that is game coding, but it seems that the changes required to make this game playable are mostly code. No hardcore graphic stuff or anything which would require long periods of quality testing. I mean really, what is the big deal? Why so much silence. I am sorry for the peeps that got sacked but, HEY! they did not deliver on product. if I were Co9dies I would have emptied their desks before a release date was made. Lets face it who would buy a coke without gas? A golf club set with clubs that only hit 50 yard shots?

I am pretty screwed with this whole setup, no matter how you all feel about this, I am a steam user and get no beta or any tit bits. Just what was sold retail. A piece of crap game, that should be out on shareware sites.

thank you so much Transmission and Codies


Completely agree with you, I am now beginning to realize why those Transmission bodgers were sacked, they can not even be bothered to log on here and tell us what is happening,it`s not like they are too busy is it? they are jobless, so what`s their problem? they don`t have a problem, they made a proper stinking turd of a game ,they are probably relieved to be out and away from this game, they can wash their hands of it now,the guys on a wage for completing the game have been paid by Codemasters and sadly that`s all that matters for them. They made an inferior rubbish game and they deserved to lose their jobs over such bad workmanship.

Forget this game, it`s a dead duck, play something else,we have been well and truly shafted.
Completely agree with you, I am now beginning to realize why those Transmission bodgers were sacked, they can not even be bothered to log on here and tell us what is happening,it`s not like they are too busy is it? they are jobless, so what`s their problem? they don`t have a problem, they made a proper stinking turd of a game ,they are probably relieved to be out and away from this game, they can wash their hands of it now,the guys on a wage for completing the game have been paid by Codemasters and sadly that`s all that matters for them. They made an inferior rubbish game and they deserved to lose their jobs over such bad workmanship.

Forget this game, it`s a dead duck, play something else,we have been well and truly shafted.

I feel like I'm having to do this rather a lot but this post is so far of ignorant crap I feel I have to respond to it.

they can not even be bothered to log on here and tell us what is happening

a/ they've been told not to
b/ they don't know yet anyway

they are probably relieved to be out and away from this game, they can wash their hands of it now

If that was their attitude they wouldn't have bothered with a patch.

They made an inferior rubbish game and they deserved to lose their jobs over such bad workmanship

AC09 is not the reason for Transmission closing its doors.

I really wonder why developers bother. More than any company I have seen in years of cricket gaming they have gone above and beyond to try and deliver the best they can and yet they still have to deal with moronic attitudes like this.
I'm getting sick and tired of being the person who feels they have to defend Transmission but when I read a post like yours it really makes my blood boil because you honestly haven't got a clue.
I feel like I'm having to do this rather a lot but this post is so far of ignorant crap I feel I have to respond to it.

a/ they've been told not to
b/ they don't know yet anyway

If that was their attitude they wouldn't have bothered with a patch.

AC09 is not the reason for Transmission closing its doors.

I really wonder why developers bother. More than any company I have seen in years of cricket gaming they have gone above and beyond to try and deliver the best they can and yet they still have to deal with moronic attitudes like this.
I'm getting sick and tired of being the person who feels they have to defend Transmission but when I read a post like yours it really makes my blood boil because you honestly haven't got a clue.

You dont play many games then do your Barmy. Most peoples judgements are made by past experiences and by todays standards, Ashes is a weekend highschool project.
I admire your loyalty, but it is in the wrong place it seems, it should be with the people who fork out their well earned MONEY and pay these guys their salrays.....

You dont play many games then do your Barmy. Most peoples judgements are made by past experiences and by todays standards, Ashes is a weekend highschool project.
I admire your loyalty, but it is in the wrong place it seems, it should be with the people who fork out their well earned MONEY and pay these guys their salrays.....


I've played every cricket game for the last 18 years? Isn't that enough to judge it against? These games have a smaller fan base and lower budgets.
I've played every cricket game for the last 18 years? Isn't that enough to judge it against? These games have a smaller fan base and lower budgets.

Hey Barmy do you work for Codemasters?

if not it seems remarkable that a forum about Cricket and Cricket games has moderators that are firmly on the side of the Software company that fed the Cricket loving people a right royal cock up of a game.

Surely this forum should be used for people to vent their anger about being made fools of by a Company that released a game to us unfinished and then ignore all messages about the patch since, I am aware that the Australian based company have gone bust, and yes it`s a shame they lost their jobs, but hey they made a right stinker of a game and they paid the price, I have no sympathy for them, to make a game this bad,makes me wonder how they became game makers in the first place, the online side of this game is ridiculous, not thought through at all, and it was obvious this game was going to be full of kids that quit when losing etc, so why they do not get a points loss or auto lose punishment is beyond me.

I have been looking forward to this game for ages, I finally got it last week through Steam,so have not had the pleasure of having the patch,but I am blown away by the complete rubbishness of this terrible game, it stinks all the way through from the terrible slog fest gameplay to the size of the bats to the size of the batsman, it really is laughable this game got released at all.
I agree that the game was incomplete but to call it a "right royal cock up of a game" is unfair.

This is still the best cricket game to every come out despite all the flaws.

360 degree batting.
Catching System
Fun Bowling
Online play.

No other game offers these features which are now imperative for cricket games in my opinion.

AC09 is a solid game albeit very raw.
I think my review makes pretty clear that I'm not a fan of the original release. The difference is that, for the first time ever, the company decided to do something about it by speaking to us.
I'd like to outline what actually happened so people are in no doubt that Transmission and Codemasters have made a commitment above and beyond the normal.
After a patch was officially confirmed, the producer from Codemasters and the lead programmer, lead designer and various other coders from Transmission posted in a hidden forum here providing closed betas based on our feedback. They gave us full access to the mechanics of the game to suggest changes and then incorperated our changes into their builds. We fixed things, we picked up bugs and we tried to make the game better for everyone who played it and you know what? We did.
It will be a tragedy if the patch doesn't get released because the commitment shown by Codemasters, Transmissions and certain members here deserves a wide release so people can appreciate it.
I will put my hand up and say I am now pro Transmission and Codemasters but it's because they have done what no-one else in my time has done and used the fanbase that exists for cricket to improve the game. Because of that involvement I personally have realised the time-constraints and budget constraints that are imposed on a cricket title and yes, I do react badly when people suggest they're a bunch of freeloaders who deserved to get fired for the work they did.
I don't want people on this forum to feel that they can't criticise Transmission; far from it. Constructive feedback has been an integral part of the process in improving the patch and game but I find myself unable to stand idly by while people peddle lies and contortions about the game and the company. There is opinion and there is fact and to suggest that Transmission closed because of Ashes Cricket being a poor game is just plain wrong.
I also find it ironic that we've been accused of sucking up to a company who have gone bust; surely now would be the perfect time to put the boot it. The fact we haven't I hope shows you that my opinion is based on more than concern about what Transmission think about Planetcricket.
Funny how these guys just surface now randomly... and have no usefull input to anything!

Slagging game off = .......
Maybe they think that if they slag of the game enough that Codies will publish the patch out of guilt :laugh
Maybe they think that if they slag of the game enough that Codies will publish the patch out of guilt

Yeah! Although if i hated a game so much and though it would was so terrible as they are saying. it would have been given back or on my shelf collecting dust and long forgotten. Regardless of the patch!

Let alone be on the forum for it!!

If you half enjoyed the game, the patch would make you really enjoy it.

If you hated it as much as these guys say. " bats too big, bodies too small" the patch wont sort that for you!!

ps: stop checking the batsmens body out and play!
Here is how it goes from my perspective :

I spent considerable cash (yip - my fault I know) just to enjoy a decent cricket computer sim. All in all - I guess it cost me ?150 above the cost of the game.

Extra RAM - new graphics card - then another new graphics card again !!!!

Bottom line is that the minimum spec given out for PC was never enough to run the game well (that would be Codemasters I guess, rather than TG).

I just cannot see Codemasters releasing a final patch - given the revamps everyone would want on that - and what if it it impacted on the current patch ?? What could Codemasters do about that ??

Totally sick for the console players - but lesson learned. I guess I can live with the Beta 2 patch - but let's be honest here - we wuz robbed !!!!!!!!!

i think many of the comments above are uneeded and show lack of respect and well doesent make the situation any better, well makes it worse to be honest.

I have shown my frustration also and im quite annoyed that no one has came and spoke out yet and let us know if we are getting this patch or not as we have a right to know and weve all sat tight and have waited very patiently. But i havent shown lack of respect and disrespected the guys at TG who have made the best cricket game to date and made two great betas and these guys could still be the ones that release the great bug free enjoyable patch to us.

I do find it weird tho as there are some people having a go at TG who still might release the patch to us which even the people complaining may enjoy, i find that weird lol

But yes i think its time that people come out from there shadows and show us some repect and speak out on the patch situation. Dont they think weve waited long enough??

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