Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Progress Update

O god quite annoying but i guess the wait shud be worth it but i thought it wudent be that long cuz im pretty sure testing is done now and well it just needs to be turned into a patch now and stuff lol

It has been said (I think in the OP) that the game is going through thorough QA this week.
It has been said (I think in the OP) that the game is going through thorough QA this week.

I've just heard the news that TG have closed down, does that mean no final patch? Or no patch at all, if you're a console owner?
I've just heard the news that TG have closed down, does that mean no final patch? Or no patch at all, if you're a console owner?
We really don't know at this stage, quite understandably our contacts at Transmission haven't said anything and I don't think they know themselves yet, there are a huge number of issues to work through.

The patch was in a near final state the last we heard from Transmission, I'd say it would be fairly likely that they would try to proceed with it as best they can.
We really don't know at this stage, quite understandably our contacts at Transmission haven't said anything and I don't think they know themselves yet, there are a huge number of issues to work through.

The patch was in a near final state the last we heard from Transmission, I'd say it would be fairly likely that they would try to proceed with it as best they can.

This is such a shame! Just as we've finally got a good cricket game as well. I hope the TG team get picked up by other companies sooner rather than later. :)
Yeah quite shocking to hear that. Just read every remaining staff has been made redundant. Well that explains why nobody replied here. He might be too busy applying for new roles.

I still think the patch will come out since Codies must have paid them to finish the job.

I guess we were lucky to have this game. Codies might be able to find someone who can build onto this codebase.
yes im still confident that the patch will arrive to us console owners and for pc.

Yes from what i heard also it was in its final stages im pretty sure all testing was done and it was just the certification process that was left so sounds as if they have the patch ready but what now no one knows yet.

I will be extremely angry if we dont get this patch and even know the game is very goood and an improvement from other cricket games but without the patch trust me its unplayable and of course i will trade it in but ill wait to find out whats gonna happen first.

Anyone heard from DarkBoyBlunder as he has been keeping me updated on the patch for sometime??

How do you know codemasters have the final patch?
How do you know codemasters have the final patch?

well i spoke in messaging with darkboyblunder like a week ago and he explained the situation to me which was basically enough is enough its time to reease this patch and some last minute testing was done by alioz on sunday i think and it was then sent off to be put through the certification thingy but pretty sure its in codies hands now :D

95% sure it was sent off so seems TG have done there bit. Thanks to all of you at TG i wish you all the best.
I assume that anyone unfortunate enough to have lost their job will have to work a 'notice period', so, from a selfish point of view there is hope that the patches will be finished.
It's also in Codemasters interest to have the Patch released, as if it isn't it's only going to put even more people off purchasing future 'Codemasters' releases.
well if it dont come out :( I will have beta for single player & normal for online - PC But I hope it comes out - I wonder if the patch will change or will codies change anything ? I hope not

btw there wouldnt wanna be any issues with the patch lol :doh
Well im not having ago cause i respect everyone at TG and they are all going through a rough time as it is and my thoughts are with them all especialy rob cause he was very helpfull and overall a very kind guy.

On to the patch now tho. I personally do believe a patch will be coming are way at some point in the next month probably, mainly cause of the way i see the situation. Well this was my insight on the situation after speaking in messaging with rob, which was that the patch was finished, it was mentioned that a last bit of testing was done on sunday and well enough was enough and it was time to release the patch. So while the patch maybe finished, me personally and many others are still unsure about whos hands it is in, as it may not have been sent off yet.

Before i move on more i want everyone to be perfectly clear that i do care about TG and all those great potential gamers that have shined and shown us what there capeable off, which is a cracking cricket game(the best yet) post beta. I understand they had families to feed and by saying what im about to say isnt me rushing them for the release of the patch its just me being curious and giving my opinion on how this patch may not ever be released now. Well it would be frustrating and the wait would have been worth nothing really and after sticking on these forums for weeks and weeks and then finding out we are gonna get nothing would be very annoying indeed, but once again its not like TG have planned this they had the patch ready for us which they had been working extremelly hard on for months probably, which i appreciate ever more. Another main frustration would be that yes i would find it very unfair and think to myself come on no matter what the situation we deserve this patch right weve gave respect(well most of us), weve paid good money and well pre patch on the console(360) in my honest opinion its unplayable although the improvemnts are great, graphics are great, but the amount of bugs makes it very difficult to get yourself a fun and realistic, challenging game. And with the pc users in a pretty good situation well a win win really although they would perfer of course to have the final patch obviously, they do however have two cracking betas which seem to be very fun and enjoyable not from my personal expierience just feedback. So the situation would be unfair for us console users. This is just my honest thoughts on the situation at hand.

Thanks transmission for all your hard work and determination to make us happy and feel like are money was well spent.

I have no worries about many of the TG guys being snapped up by other gaming companys because well we all know that the potential is massive.
Surely releasing the patch is in codies' best interests too, so at worst I'd say they'll just make the second beta an official patch. The game scored pretty poorly in most reviews, but from what I hear, the patch will take it from a 65% game to an 85% game (I have a downloaded version so unfortunately I cannot vouch for this first hand). A better game obviously means more units sold, and there is no better motivation than that. There is no upside for codies in NOT releasing a patch, so I am still optimistic.

On another note, I wonder what will happen to the game code. It would be such a waste not to build on it for a new installment in a year or 2 so I hope a decent company grabs that in the fire sale or that codies puts it to good use if they own the code.

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