Ashes Cricket 2013 Bugs

@79C when you accept things ?you? are a big part of the problem. Have you asked for a refund? Have you complained about your purchase? If not then ?you? are the reason this shit happens.


I am sobering up to the reality of the situation and this shit is no longer funny.

Couldn't agree more.
@79C you get a lot of rope, but seriously this game is not 2/10 and the bugs are FUNDAMENTAL, as in they are imbedded in the game to the point that removing them would structurally damage the game. In code terms there would be more work in fixing the commentary system, graphics system, crowds, animation, Game AI, ..... actually every system than in completely rewriting it.

The BIG thing is that no-one can blame this on the engine, Unity is bad on console (apparently) but NOTHING related to gameplay can be blamed on it.


But how can you tell, you've never played it - in the words of the late great M Fegan "I'm going to let the game do the talking", "please wait until you've played both until you make a judgement", "the players are the stars of the show"... oh I could go on... there are just so many gems - unfortunately many of them now lost due to the removal of the FB page.

Google Cache...

Ashes Cricket 2013 | Facebook

But sadly, only the main posts on the page can be read, comments etc...cannot.

bit harsh
Couldn't resist screen-shotting the comments just in case they disappears too...
We already have metacritic reviews for that...
So Ross are you saying this game can not be fixed, if you were given this mess and payed to fix it. Is it possible or just throw it in the bin and set it on fire, burn to ashes.:p

My score of 2.0 is maybe high but I am always nicer to cricket games than anyone else, still it's hard even for me.

PS Only you can put us out of this misery Ross, I hope sooner than later but to be honest. When ever your game arrives it will be the most important cricket game maybe ever. Why ? well if you were not around then all of us would be at a funeral right now for cricket games unless someone else steps up to the challenge one day.

Personally I don't believe DBC 14 will be perfect either. No game can

What it will be is a million times better then AC13 if AC13 is even counted as a game anymore. I haven't played DBC but I have undue trust in MattW and other community member's who did playtest as they have been very forthright. So has Ross.

I don't expect any 505/Trickster's to show their faces here until they have another crap to deliver.
@79C when you accept things ?you? are a big part of the problem. Have you asked for a refund? Have you complained about your purchase? If not then ?you? are the reason this shit happens.


I am sobering up to the reality of the situation and this shit is no longer funny.

Yeah you are right Ross, you are the light we have been waiting for Sir Knight Ross. I will put a complaint today after I have finished on this forum.

I do hope for a great future for you and your team mates, I would not want anyone else making future cricket games.

PS I played the game today and yes again you are right, I am still laughing but it's getting less everytime I play this shit. I don't want to play it anymore.:(


Las Faiz, agree with you mate, when I watched the twisties and other videos I said to myself yes this is a cricket game.:clap
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Personally I don't believe DBC 14 will be perfect either.

It's all about having reasonable expectations. I reasonably expected to be able to simulate cricket in a cricket game, called "Ashes Cricket". Not only can you NOT simulate the game of cricket, the game is incapable of representing correctly the actual "game" of cricket being played anyway [see: bowlers not being allocated wickets]

Going into any game expecting it to be perfect, is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, it's now a double-edged sword of the worst variety for Ross and his team because:

  • "Well it's better than Ashes 2013" will hang around their necks like an anvil by people who don't understand how to critique things on their own merits
  • "It has a few bugs, but not as many as Ashes 2013" will be the new "where is the release date" in that forum, which is an even worse camparison than point one because any game will have bugs.

Basically, he's now associated with this turd whether he wants to be or not. I think that's what he's been hinting at for months now...

Ross is now in a really awkward situation: He's already got the best game. He's known it for months, now we realize the extent of how bad the 'other' title is. The best he can hope for is 505 abort a PC release so the game doesn't get into wider circulation among the general populace. I'm speaking like it's a disease, but that's essentially what it is for his superior product. People not as educated as we are will mistake one title for the other... the message will get skewed horribly unless WE spread the word about Ashes among folks if they do go ahead with a general release.

The more complicated scenario now becomes if his game is great, like, really genuinely spectacular simulation of cricket... how does he go about selling it to people and distancing it from this shit-stain of a product masquerading itself as cricket over on Steam? It's a HUGE conundrum because in general, people are stupid... they will mistake one for the other and will REMEMBER this stuff for a long time to come. Cricket Gaming in the past 24 - 48 hours basically became a laughing stock... the severity of the situation as customers we understand, but as an owner of a company knee-deep in the business of making a pretty amazing looking cricket game, it's a pretty serious situation for him, the repercussions of which may just mean we don't get another game for some time, if it's not handled correctly.
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Ok now time to report new bugs even if it's a waste of time as no one will fix this turd.

1. Had a bowler who I could not run between wickets when he was bowling, others were fine, controls just stoped working.
2. New high as far as I know off one ball, 45 runs and yes same bug as shown on youtube by Matt. Made my first ton at the same time.:(
3. Runout bug, when I pressed to go back the batsmen just ran around in circles and got run out, this happened 2 times.


Biggs you are the man.:D

I showed the ashes videos to people at my work and they laughed and said there will never be a good cricket game again. Now it's up to Ross to change there minds and for all of us on here to help him in anyway we can like buying 2 copies, word of mouth and buying a copy for your wife. Sorry Ross the last one was a joke.;)
I showed the ashes videos to people at my work and they laughed and said there will never be a good cricket game again.

...and that is exactly what I'm talking about. That's the market he's heading into. A ridiculously negative environment. That's a huge hill to climb for any business.
...and that is exactly what I'm talking about. That's the market he's heading into. A ridiculously negative environment. That's a huge hill to climb for any business.

I hope he had sense enough to show them the DBC14 videos as well...
The problem I see is released DBC now or in 6 months.. either way the memory of Ashes 13 will still be in everyone's minds. Personally, with the first Ashes test going the way it went, Cricket is well and truely in the minds of everyone. Christmas is now exactly a month away.

Either you get it out now and at worst get 100% console cricket game sales and 50% PC sales (with a bit of favorable pushing of DBC to the prime shelves and Ashes 13 to the bottom of the barrel at worst case in retail stores), compared to releasing after the word has spread further about Ashes 13 and not even console users will want to purchase a cricket game.
...and that is exactly what I'm talking about. That's the market he's heading into. A ridiculously negative environment. That's a huge hill to climb for any business.

I bet Ross new he was coming into a Storm, the only difference now it's the storm of the century. PS I think the game will sell good if released next month but slow down after the hardcore cricket fans have the game, the casuals will come onboard after they see more of the game and hear good word of mouth.


I hope he had sense enough to show them the DBC14 videos as well...

I did, positive word of mouth but they did pick at the game.
This has to be up there among my favourite bugs - the 'Automatic Balanced' field I got doesn't comply with the fielding restrictions:

Also, this is supposed to be the second innings of a 'night' match:

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