Ashes Cricket delayed officially

Which is why it is very interesting that we're about to get a cricket game from a company whose other sports titles are even more niche - AFL and Rugby League, both with less widespread support than Cricket. If anyone can make it work, a company that has made a series out of local sports should be it. .

Good point. Hopefully they know what they are doing....marketting wise.
Which is why it is very interesting that we're about to get a cricket game from a company whose other sports titles are even more niche...

Arguably it would be their biggest title to date in terms of global audience... so being a lot smaller they're more likely in a position to profit from that, I guess? The devil is probably in the details and BigAnt haven't been in tip-top financial shape of late.
Trust me... most people over here don't know what "buying legally" is... Either it's going to a local retail store and buying a DVD/CD for <$1 not knowing that its already pirated, or downloading from a site... just go to AC 13's fb page and you'll see hundreds of people asking for "download links"(and most of them have indian or pakistani names)... what irks me even more is how they fail to realize that it hasn't even been released yet :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm....

I think most of them do know they are buying it illegally. What they do not seem to understand is the how they are affecting the developers/publishers here negatively. Also some of them feel, its just me, one person buying it illegally. That is not going cause any significant loss of profit.
Arguably it would be their biggest title to date in terms of global audience... so being a lot smaller they're more likely in a position to profit from that, I guess? The devil is probably in the details and BigAnt haven't been in tip-top financial shape of late.
I'm still trying to figure out what else Trickstar have been doing besides cricket that has kept them going all these years - two very poorly reviewed flight simulators?

I don't think I could cope if we get yet another 'start' with AC13 and we're back here in 2014/15 complaining about minor improvements or the game being dropped totally.
All speculation or illusion will end this Friday...nothing but there will be no release from ashes cricket you will hear new push back of release you get disappointed ....for sure but there is a good news ...something from Ross he is giving this Friday...wait for another Easter egg...:spy
So says its 'In Stock'. I was tempted to order it and get it shipped to India which would cost me an extra 10 pounds. However, that is if at all they have it in stock. Why would any company not market their product till about a couple of days before release if its already been printed! This would be gross violation of consumer trust. I`m totally flummoxed by this. I think Chief stayed away because he does`nt agree with these policies by 505 either and neither has any authority to speak against it. I don`t envy his position and just hope that the game turns out to be on schedule and a good one at that.
I'm still trying to figure out what else Trickstar have been doing besides cricket that has kept them going all these years...

Arrested Cricket Development? Perhaps they have money in a Banana Stand?
So the delay is confirmed via game retailers. Wow this chief guy really doesn't have the balls to just tell people or at least post on the forum to let us know whats happening? no wonder why cricket games are such a flop.
Ashes 09 and IC 2010 both had the trailers released more than a month before the game release. Don't know whats holding trickstar back. Maybe some contractual obligation or some stupid stipulation in licence.
At last trickstar has tricked everyone,if not all atleast people here in this forum.If it comes on 21st june then definitely it's a different strategy but still innovative too.i never saw a game coming without any trailer or gameplay videos before releasing in my life.Definitely it will create curiosity of what we will get.I'm still hoping there will be some surprises we will get.If it's so then we will be in for a decent treat if not great.:cheers
Don't know whats holding trickstar back. Maybe some contractual obligation or some stupid stipulation in licence.

My understanding from what I've read from folks in the know is their contractual obligations are built around the Ashes starting, ie, to meet the expectations of their licensees they're supposed to have the game on shelves by the agreed date (21st) or so I've read.

As for 'showing' the game, only Zeus knows why that hasn't happened...


I mean, look... not wanting to go on a tirade or turn this into a pity-party for us all... but let me get this off my chest; As the weeks (months) have gone by recently I've become more and more apathetic towards this game basically because I haven't seen anything at all - it's all been talk. As an AVID fan of Ashes Cricket 2009 rating it as one of the best cricket simulators I've played and easily enjoyed the most modding, I've fallen into a happy state of melancholy towards this title... I was hugely encouraged by what I heard when it was first announced and I take nothing away from the great contributions Chief has made here previously as well as getting myself and a few others from the PlanetCricket team involved in the game itself - but I'm pretty much resigned to 'give a s#%t' status now, regardless of my earlier excitement towards this game, because the approach to actually SHOWING us the damn thing has been utterly piss-poor.

I know I'm among a decreasing minority who actually liked AC09 and IC10 but I really did have huge hopes for this title to make some decent leaps in improvement from previous iterations under a new banner, a new look and new gameplay to give us something to root for in 2013. Everything that has happened from those initial descriptions and the 'in development for a while now' talk has at least, in part... led us further down a rabbit hole, from 'grey area' to 'completely untrue' and I guess the automatic fielding from the other day, even though I didn't make much of a song and dance about it, really put me firmly in the disappointed column.

I am, by nature... a pretty forgiving and glass-half-full guy and have been a keen fan of this product from the get go... I'm absolutely gutted that we're three days from a "release" that may or may not happen and we haven't seen a single piece of gameplay footage from this title. You cannot read ANYTHING other than dishonesty into that tactic, no matter what anyone says. It's just abhorrent that despite the 'give it away' price tag, we're still being expected to part with money only a tiny handful of people have actually seen in the wild and even less have played it. The price is irrelevant really, it's the fact we're all gagging for a game so much that we'll pay for it LITERALLY unseen. Literally. I kinda have an ethical objection to that and that's coming from one of the biggest supporters of this from the get-go.

I just can't justify it anymore...

In short, I've cancelled my PC pre-order. Which is not so much a protest as it is a culmination of my now complete apathy towards this product.
I am bored with this game......really very boring.....dont know where its going to be end.Big ant game approch is good when they say done its done...that's the way to go..but not 505 games approch.
Maybe some idiot who was delegated to get licences got the agreement of using names and likeness from 21st June onwards. Nobody in the trickstar noticed it at that time and now when they thought about releasing a trailer, their legal stopped them from doing so.

Lot of assumptions ;)
sent an email out to ebgames, jbhifi and bigw.

big w says "Please be advised that the release date for BIGW_AID122078 PS3 Ashes Cricket 2013 is this Friday 21st of June, 2013."

jbhifi says "I?m not too sure at this stage. The date in our system is for the 21/06, however we currently do not have any stock on order and our New Release info for the week has not yet come through. I?ll try and see if I can find anything out from our games head office and get back to you."

ebgames says "We have just been informed by the Publisher that Ashes Cricket 2013 has been delayed till sometime in July. Our website is currently in the process of reflecting this. We recommend keeping an eye out on our website for any new release date announcements. "

so I'd trust ebgames and there is a delay on this game :facepalm

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