Ashes Cricket delayed officially

Another prime example of why you should never pre-order games, you can't trust developers and publishers in this industry, no matter who they are.

Ever tried pre-ordering something from 'CD Projekt RED'?


It's not official until 505 actually make an announcement or do a press release.

Keeping in mind the way they have dealt with their consumers before,I think that's as official as it gets.
Another prime example of why you should never pre-order games, you can't trust developers and publishers in this industry, no matter who they are.

TBF I have generally pre-ordered cricket games and this is the first time I have such a surreal scenario unfold. Hell, even the retailers have no clue with less than 3 days to go for release :lol


Ashes Cricket 2013 ( PC Games ) for sale online at AWX
Releasing Friday 23 August 2013,this is what the site says.

Yup, right after the Ashes get over :clap :lol
I've not dealt with them before but logically they have to release some kind of statement I'd have thought.

Well,all of us want them to come out of the closet.Lets see how long will it take for them to announce the delay publicly.
But at least the companies have dignity and respect for customers .They clearly announce the delay and subsequent reason behind it.
till now i did not see any game without a gameplay trailer which is going to release within 2 days......what sort of developers they are...please make an announcement or do something... are they not watching these forums or their official website....??? if they dont care for their customers then why we should care for their game....
Non of those cites got same dates !! WTH. Idk mannnn $h!? pissing me the He// off.
Please, for the love of Dutch... use actual letters, words and sentences...

Releasing Friday 23 August 2013,this is what the site says.

Throwing Darts at Dartboards at this point would prolly be more accurate...
i just phoned 505 games, their uk number 0203 0272093
and spoke to one of their tech support agents, who stated the release date is not this friday and he believes it is actually mid july, thats as far as he knows..

He did also say to keep an eye out on the 505 games website....
i just phoned 505 games, their uk number 0203 0272093
and spoke to one of their tech support agents, who stated the release date is not this friday and he believes it is actually mid july, thats as far as he knows..
very dissapointing
Now on Amazon it says PS3, Xbox, PC and Wii u all of those has pre- order option and the price went up to ? 32 which was ? 29 before.
Ever tried pre-ordering something from 'CD Projekt RED'?


Keeping in mind the way they have dealt with their consumers before,I think that's as official as it gets.

No, I've never pre-ordered from anyone, you plonk down ?40-50 for a game you've never played and hope that's its not rubbish. I don't see why people don't wait to see whether its any good or not so you can make a reasoned decision.

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