Ashes Cricket delayed officially

Stop cancelling the pre orders. This is like childish behaviour now without any thinking. Remember things should never be done in haste and anger.
Stop cancelling the pre orders. This is like childish behaviour now without any thinking. Remember things should never be done in haste and anger.

How is it childish? What have 505 done to really say "we deserve your money"? People shouldn't be buying it simply because it's a cricket game, that is completely the wrong thing to do.
Stop cancelling the pre orders. This is like childish behaviour now without any thinking. Remember things should never be done in haste and anger.

Surely we have a right to cancel our pre-orders if we feel the game no longer warrants a purchase or because of what the publisher has, or in this case hasn't done.
Stop cancelling the pre orders. This is like childish behaviour now without any thinking. Remember things should never be done in haste and anger.

Sorry mate but that is a really silly thing to say. Everyone has the right to buy the game or not. It is Anything but childish. It is a very adult thing called consumer rights.

There. ...I win.

There. ...I win.

Really sad part is that naveencc actually made more sense than what 505 Games & Trickstar have done over the last few weeks :(
Childish thing is to pre order a game without even a game play trailer.

Not if you would purchase it anyway. I have purchased all cricket games since BLIC 2005 days and will continue to do so. Waiting for reviews makes sense if you are not decided whether you want to buy the game. Of course we can't be termed "childish" because we trusted a publisher to meet the release day timeline...
I guess everyone should cancel the preorder and pledge to spread bad word of mouth and send a mail regarding it to 505. Maybe, just maybe then they'll wake up from their slumber.
I hope the game releases without any blemishes and scars caused by this weird marketing strategy.The discussion of live weather,DRS,editor sounds like 505 were making a game in our dreams and releasing it der.Hope the gameplay makes up for all the ---- caused due to bad marketing.
Game is already for sale on ebay

due to lightspeed ultra mega fast shipping(which was nearly as expensive as the game it self),i will hopefully have the game in my hands on friday here in germany. the ps3 version. hell yeeeeaaaaahhhhh!
i took especially a day off

Hey, the game is already for sale on ebay. I am from Canada and they have it for sale for 61$ plus taxes if you want to order it now. They have about 10 copies left and the seller has 99.9% positive reviews so no way on earth that this is fake:)

Childish thing is to reply to a childish comment.

No, really childish is to claim a game is going to be released and then when it comes to communicating with the people who have listened to you, worked for you, supported you, you disappear without a word.
No, really childish is to claim a game is going to be released and then when it comes to communicating with the people who have listened to you, worked for you, supported you, you disappear without a word.

Imagine the abuse Chief would get now if he showed his face now. Can't understand why he hasn't at least told us the game isn't as far as it should be in development and admitted that it would be delayed.
I hope the game releases without any blemishes and scars caused by this weird marketing strategy.The discussion of live weather,DRS,editor sounds like 505 were making a game in our dreams and releasing it der.Hope the gameplay makes up for all the ---- caused due to bad marketing.

Do you believe any of it anymore? I don't.

Hey, the game is already for sale on ebay. I am from Canada and they have it for sale for 61$ plus taxes if you want to order it now. They have about 10 copies left and the seller has 99.9% positive reviews so no way on earth that this is fake:)


I've a few copies of FIFA 14 for sale. PM me with your bank details and address :D

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