Ashes Cricket delayed officially

This is the one thing we can absolutely confirm.

Although Matt I did notice in their delay press release they were using the term over-hauling the game engine.....suggests something else....ah what does it matter. Nit-picking....lice are lice however big.
I don't think that's appropriate at all... We're not a lynch mob and Chief is a real person, we don't need to see personal communication from Staff members and 505, thanks. That's not cool. I draw the line at calling up their offices as a bit odd... we don't need to see blow-by-blow accounts of personal communications.

I'm sure Barmy will give us a summary of what he's been able to uncover when he can.

If Cheif wants to respond to us publicly, he has a log in. Otherwise, just assume he's as clueless as the rest of the Ashes development team and we've been duped... It sucks, but we're a bit wiser now for it.

Biggs in normal circumstances I would agree with you but not in this case. It's not about lynching anyone, it's about knowing how can they mess it up to such an extent and keep us in the dark all along. As someone who pre-ordered the game I think I deserve an honest response. And when I asked Colin for sharing the communication, it was essentially the gist of the communication without any meat left out, and not really the actual messages/email verbatim.
Don't get me wrong, you DO deserve a proper response, and or an apology. We all do... it's why I cancelled my preorder. But I don't need to read someones private communication to get closure.

I just don't think it's appropriate at all. Colin and Jamie have a long standing relationship and whatever wrong-doings regarding information supplied to us in public it's really none of our business to read their private emails. Sorry, that's just not cool in my book and not something I think we need to see at all. I'm sure Barmy will look into it on behalf of us all and get back, but we don't need to see private communications. That's just creepy... and wrong.



...they were using the term over-hauling the game engine.....suggests something else...

Not sure what you mean, clearly they can't possibly "over-haul" a game engine in a month... That bit was spin if ever I heard it...
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Although Matt I did notice in their delay press release they were using the term over-hauling the game engine.....suggests something else....ah what does it matter. Nit-picking....lice are lice however big.

So now they are "ovrhauling" the brand new engine without even a game being released on the said engine :rolleyes
I am just saying first we had a brand new engine, now that has become overhauling the game engine......
It's just PR spin for "we're still making the game" I think... It's probably just nowhere near as completed as we've been led to believe.
Delay. :facepalm

This was bound to happen after all. Would have controlled the damage had they announced this back at the Lord's event.
I suspect 'July' to be another lie. Then the Ashes in England and all hype is gone. My money is on AC14 around the Ashes down under. But seriously, I hope 505 make a point of this debacle and NEVER EVER recruit this very PR & Marketing team for any of their future releases. All of this is culminating into negative publicity, and nothing gets worse than that.
Although Matt I did notice in their delay press release they were using the term over-hauling the game engine.....suggests something else....ah what does it matter. Nit-picking....lice are lice however big.
Trust me - the one absolute is that they aren't basing the game off IC2010/AC09.
Trust me - the one absolute is that they aren't basing the game off IC2010/AC09.

Oooh that word again....don't know who to trust Matt for them, for us.......who is who....who's controlling who........who are the shadows......what are the voices in my head.....mother,'s dark's so dark.......
Oooh that word again....don't know who to trust Matt for them, for us.......who is who....who's controlling who........who are the shadows......what are the voices in my head.....mother,'s dark's so dark.......
Have non-evidence based faith in me perhaps? :spy
Don't get me wrong, you DO deserve a proper response, and or an apology. We all do... it's why I cancelled my preorder. But I don't need to read someones private communication to get closure.

I just don't think it's appropriate at all. Colin and Jamie have a long standing relationship and whatever wrong-doings regarding information supplied to us in public it's really none of our business to read their private emails. Sorry, that's just not cool in my book and not something I think we need to see at all. I'm sure Barmy will look into it on behalf of us all and get back, but we don't need to see private communications. That's just creepy... and wrong.


Not sure what you mean, clearly they can't possibly "over-haul" a game engine in a month... That bit was spin if ever I heard it...

We are on the same page on that one... as I mentioned in my previous post I don't need to see all the emails and PMs between the two but I expect to be given a gist of the communication.

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