Ashes Cricket delayed officially

Maybe this was 505 games marketing plan, release fake information about release dates and make sure ross and bigant find out and have the market to themselves. I don't think they are that smart but you never know these days. p.s I wonder if we will get a trailer before Friday, who cares we will all be playing a new cricket game in 3 days time.:thumbs
This is the most god-awful marketing I've ever seen, but we're getting the game now... and looks like Ross will be doing a runner. Never seen a forum more engrossed in a members ass cheeks before...

Dutch, please stay on topic in my thread! :mad

(That felt so satisfying, i'm hyperventilating)

I'm just gonna post something something Naveencc something something so Dutch can delete ut so he gets paid. Did you know; Staff get paid on PlanetCricket for every post of GoneForDuck deleted?*

With yet another price drop - down to 29 pounds on consoles!

Just give the f'n thing away... that's a big drop again, wasn't it 50 at one stage? Hopefully that PC release shows up soon and I can get this game happening!

*Secrets of a former staff member: The Biggs Years hits shelves June 21st in a limited release hard cover
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If you don't accept my Xbox friend invite then you'll have to wait even longer! :facepalm
I won't play this game online anyway. Without a save feature it limits you to t20 matches. And T20 can talk to the hand!

I can't accept it for another few days as i am away from my home. Will do first thing once i am home.
With yet another price drop - down to 29 pounds on consoles!

Its not really a price drop as its not sold by amazon themselves. also amazon originally posted ashes at ?29.99 on console later changing to ?32.99.
Come on Flipkart. Get your copies from 505. :mad
Ashes 2013 is going to be laughing to the bank, all alone with a ashes series on.:spy
When ashes 2013 was first talked about, I remember you being so far up chiefs arse...

I don't really see "being excited about the first cricket game on PC in four years" as ore-mining inside someones colon... maybe fracking?


That being said I'll set up a coffee shop in Ross' if his game is as good as it sounds...
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Fired a mail to Flipkart, normally they are very quick to reply. I hope mention of Amazon having the game in stock would get things rolling somewhere in Flipkart. They are spot on with other game releases. I got Battlefield 3 and Fifa 13 same day as the worldwide release. Don't know why they have not got copies of Ashes Cricket 13 yet?
Can someone change this thread title to:

I'm just happy to get some good news about ashes 2013, just 3 days to go.:thumbs

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