Ashes Cricket General Discussion

Is there a way you can create women's matches with bigger boundaries like you can men's? Might be worth trying out.
Actually, you could create a custom Women's T20 - I think you can set the boundary. Although I've had problems creating a custom 50 over in that the AI wouldn't go for five men out for the 35 overs it was available.

Pretty much everything goes seems to go. 60 metres sixes seem to go about 10 metres over the rope. And I think the small boundaries also make single running less attractive to the AI.

Veda Krishnamurty hit several 90+ (99m farthest). She got 40 (4 sixes and 4 fours from 30 balls)
I think every batter hit a six first ball or at least tried.

Apart from the six hitting it was a good innings to bowl. Good wickets, edges, a bowled, a stumping and an Anya Shrubsole/Lauren Winfield tap back catch on the boundary.
Actually, you could create a custom Women's T20 - I think you can set the boundary. Pretty much everything goes seems to go. 60 metres sixes seem to go about 10 metres over the rope. Not sure And I think the small boundaries also make single running less attractive to the AI.

Veda Krishnamurty hit several 90+ (99m farthest). She got 40 (4 sixes and 4 fours from 30 balls)
I think every batter hit a six first ball (or almost every one)

Apart from the six hitting it was a good innings to bowl. Good wickets, edges, a bowled, a stumping and an Anya Shrubsole/Lauren Winfield tap back catch on the boundary.

I'm not sure how far back the farthest women's ropes would be in terms of metres. Probably not near 90m though.
Starting Beta thread is Great thinking ... I know Beta tester Also enjoyed Posting ... But yes here more Positive in Game now .
I have been following this thread for sometime now. And i cannot imagine some of the responses i have seen here. I cannot see a reason to question the decision some of the beta testers have come to in terms of not posting here.

Thank you for your help and efforts in testing the builds so far. I hope you will continue provide your valuable inputs to BA to improve the gameplay.
People seem to consistently miss the point..

Whether is misunderstanding/utter lack of intelligence or on purpose to be a dick.

But truth be told, we arnt posting for your feedback. We are posting purely to keep you guys in the loop to be nice.

We have pages and pages of things to fix and test and tweak.

No one and I mean no one has mentioned anything in I’d say the last 2 months that hasn’t already been said before..

So when @Dutch takes time out of his day, to write up a post and explanation of how pitches have been tweaked now to be more conducive to spin on certain set ups..

When the following two comments are about the ball going through the bag on the super slow mo. It’s just irritating.

Of course he bloody already knows that.

Now people are saying because it’s not footage and just screens which don’t prove what he’s saying is happening...

Don’t blame him getting the hump...

And @Kass D dont slip back to posting rubbish. BA have done nothing to us. I’m only talking to one of them and the conversation is purely the game and we are tweaking it. End of Story
Urgh, this thread ..............

It's not this thread or the members of this forum that's the problem mate. It's big ant. I'm just BORED of waiting for a game I paid 50 quid for 5 months ago to be patched and have stupid game breaking bugs fixed. Im not even bothered about enhanced ai and pitches at this point.

While big ant patch their half assed dogs dinner of a tennis game 20 times, they rely on a few well meaning forum members to QA their buggy product and engage with an understandably disgruntled community of paying customers. It's a joke, and it's why this place is increasingly tense and irritable.

Just sort your goddamn game out and deliver what you promised for once big ant. Everyone knows your tennis game is dead in the water.
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good one guys now noone gets to see the feedback because 12 year old have to be 12 year old and think that they no everything about making a game
I'm not sure what you're expecting people to post in reply @WealeyH

If everyone was able to play the game and experience the changes for themselves I'm sure their would be a plethora of positivity and optimism. But until people do get to experience the changes for themselves you can't blame them on being hung up on the things that have reduced their enjoyment of Ashes Cricket so far since that's what they have actually experienced themselves.

I'm not saying that its right that people aren't being appreciative of yours and @Dutch's incredible and tireless work. But I can definitely understand why their first reaction is to worry about the things that plague them personally about the game.

That's why I think people should be allowed to comment in the Beta Testers Update thread. That way people who want to respond directly to the posts about games the Beta team they have just played can. And people who want to ask questions not particularly relevant to the most recent Beta update post can do so in this thread.
Well this thread went off the rails again in spectacular fashion. Even reading through it I still can’t understand how it escalated to this point. @WealeyH , the OP of the beta thread does say that feedback should be made on this thread. If people are unable to make comments on the beta thread or make comments on this thread, it kind of limits the level of interaction…positive or negative. OK, not all feedback will be positive but why is that such a big deal? For whatever reason any negative, or poorly thought through, response seems to be given huge amounts of credence whereas any of the positive and constructive comments or ‘thanks’ are discounted to a level that makes them seemingly irrelevant.

I get the fact that the beta team are putting in a lot of hours to improve the game and the experience for everyone. The overwhelming feedback from people posting on PC has been recognising their appreciation for the efforts that this team is making. Why one comment, that fails to mention this appreciation before restating the existence of a flaw, should be reason to close down all interaction is incomprehensible to me.

I really believe that most of the discord here (unfathomable, though it is, to me) is just down to perspective and communication. If you’re working for BA you know far more about the game, its current state and the desired state than anyone else. If you’re on the beta team you know considerably more about the state of the game and what is being discussed and changed than anyone outside of the beta forum. If you’re just a normal member of PC you get to see a very limited amount of actual information about the intent for the game. If you are a customer of BA with no knowledge of PC, then you are entirely in the dark about what might happen with Ashes. The further down you are on this continuum of knowledge the more likely it is that you might say something that someone further up the chain will find unfounded and therefore, potentially, offensive. If we were all operating on the same level of information, I’m sure none of this discord would be happening.

The facts, as I see them, are that:

a) The vast majority of readers and posters on PC greatly appreciate the efforts of the beta team in helping BA improve the game and providing insight back to PC.

b) BA have produced a series of games that have improved cricket gaming by a staggering degree compared with what has gone before.

c) None of the games in the series are perfect but also none of them have ‘game-breaking’ issues…even in the unpatched state, for Ashes, you can have great games.

d) Some people will continue to harp on about the same issues until they get resolved even though they must surely know, by now, that what they are saying is not fresh insight but just reiterating what everyone already knows.

e) People should dial back their emotions and just get some perspective…it’s just a game and not a reason to get personal, irate or upset...and not everyone is operating with the same level of information.

f) BA are wilfully culpable for cutting off communication with their customers (and I’m not talking about communication to PC) which is a significant contributing factor to discontent here and elsewhere. It is not the role or responsibility of the beta team to act as a proxy communications channel for BA. BA should staff a functioning communications function.

g) At some point a patch will be released…things will be better but it won’t please everyone.
f) BA are wilfully culpable for cutting off communication with their customers (and I’m not talking about communication to PC) which is a significant contributing factor to discontent here and elsewhere. It is not the role or responsibility of the beta team to act as a proxy communications channel for BA. BA should staff a functioning communications function.
This is the root of the entire problem. The likes of Dutch, Wealey and co. are doing a great service for a company that doesn't deserve it. But they're not doing it for BA, they're doing it because they love cricket and want a good game like the rest of us. In my view, they're doing the right thing in spite of BigAnt's flawed conduct.
This is the root of the entire problem. The likes of Dutch, Wealey and co. are doing a great service for a company that doesn't deserve it. But they're not doing it for BA, they're doing it because they love cricket and want a good game like the rest of us. In my view, they're doing the right thing in spite of BigAnt's flawed conduct.
I wouldn't say that BA don't deserve the support that they are getting. Yes, they need to get their act together on comms but we need to keep some perspective here and not condemn them merely on this. I'm convinced that BA want Ashes (and any future game) to be as good as they can make it. They continue to work hard towards this objective...which is why they probably find some of the criticism hard to bear. It's not an excuse for closing down comms...but it's their decision to make. If you made a list of pro's and cons for Ashes, I think you would find that, even in its current state, there are more pro's than cons...or at least that's how I see it. Overall I'm pleased with what BA have done for cricket gaming, really pleased, they have just let themselves down a bit on managing customer relations. Certainly Ashes could be improved and some glitches should have been fixed but I'd rather have BA doing their best than having no one supporting cricket gaming at all. The fact that they have persisted in this market means they deserve support, in my opinion, even if they do need to reevaluate their approach to customer relationship management.
This is the root of the entire problem. The likes of Dutch, Wealey and co. are doing a great service for a company that doesn't deserve it. But they're not doing it for BA, they're doing it because they love cricket and want a good game like the rest of us. In my view, they're doing the right thing in spite of BigAnt's flawed conduct.
Couldn't agree with you more. Hopefully this patch nonsense will be over in about 2 years and these beta guys would become fun to chat with in time. I love cricket games am addicted to it after my playing days but your right, i dont think ill buy BA game again or recommend it to some one like i did with ashes. On a very personal note i was talking to one friend of mine from india call amith sharma who i know from my playing days. He is also a formar crickter and now works for a programming company in India, he told me they are seriously considering developing a commercial high end cricket game. Only down side is he cheats alot in hes playing days and when he plays online! Sorry amit bahi
Dear Beta Testers @Dutch @WealeyH I guess all these post from a few people here being irritated or negative (as you feel) are due to the fact that @BigAntStudios has not released the patch for the past 3months nothing really to demean your efforts.

Am hoping the Good Friday weekend be really good for us with Ashes patch.
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No one here doubts the commitment and tireless work done by the beta team to make Ashes a better game. Agreed some comments made questioning beta team's commitment and their complicity with Big Ant are totally unwarranted. No one here owes anyone anything to anyone, neither does the beta team nor Big Ant. Also it is a personal discretion of the beta team to post videos or not. What I don't understand is, why throw a hissy fit about it. It's almost akin, to that kid who used to leave the playground after losing his wicket, because he owned the bat (in this case access to the beta build).

Man it's just a game, our livelihood don't depend on it, really doesn't matter when the patch comes. Shelf the game and speak to your girl/boy friend who's longing for your attention since DBC 14 came out.

I am off to the previous iterations of the game, for a better batting gameplay.

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