You my friend, are the reason that PC gaming is on the decline, and soon we'll see next to none of it.
If you can steal a refridgerator and get it for free, why pay 10000+ bucks for it? If you can steal a PC, why pay so much to get a good one?
You don't, then why steal games? If the manufacturer of the product has set a certain price, you don't think it is rightly priced you don't buy it. You don't go around stealing it...
Also, even though your point about short availability of original games in Ind / Pak is valid, your intentions are foul and evil. By your logic, even if codies offered the game for 500 bucks you'd choose the pirated one because its 450 bucks less?
Foolishness? So you're trying to suggest that stealing is smart and paying for something is foolish?
You know what, when you buy the original game, you pay to the original developer. When you buy the pirated one, you only pay the person illegally pirating it for you.