oh dear and hats off boys disgraceful Big Ant, £50 and I am getting "you need to be online to play".
I HATE WITH A VENGEANCE always online games..................................but I am getting this message whilst being online throughout.
So you have charged this £50 due to the great reviews on consoles (I've already purchased it on XBOXONEX), and now raise the price to a silly amount for PC, and here at 3am on the day of release I am being told I am not online when I am indeed.............online, and not via a VPN either, a pure connection here in London.
So put them cigars away please Big Ant, and come down to earth again, and realize that you cannot stitch up the PC community..........................especially those like me who already have bought a console version of the game for £45, and have now paid £49.99 for this non-working, and always-online (arrrghh!!!) PC version that is telling me I am not online............when I am. I work in I.T., so know what I am talking about guys....