Ask Questions to EA Sports Producer Andrew Wilson

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will there be a man of the match award after the match result or announcment like in cric 2002 and in fifa.
I have two more questions for Andrew Wilson which I really hope will be sent to him in the next batch of questions for the interview:

1. Were you going to release Cricket 2005 in July if Brian Lara International Cricket wasn't announced?

2. Will there be any changes in the bowling system to make it as fun and exciting as batting?
Skateboarder2 said:
2. Will there be any changes in the bowling system to make it as fun and exciting as batting?

And the batting fun, i thought the batting was as fun as watching the grass grow in 2004, it was alright at first but became repetitve quickly...
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it was alright at first but became repetitve quickly...

yesss.hitting the the same ball again and again was borrrrrring!!!!!
5 big questions:

1.Is there rain and DL in ODIs?
2.Will the ball actually swing and seam?
3.Is the AI and Gameplay realistic(at least more than C2K4)?
4.Have rules like Free Hits in 20-20 matches or points tables been properly fixed and implemented?
And most importantly:
5.Why should we buy C2K5 over BLIC?
shahid6995 said:
Ritwik, are you going softball on Andrew Wilson?? I understand you don't want to aggravate him because he has taken time out of his "so-much-more-important-than-ours" life to answer these questions, but this is just a stupid repeat of the previous editions. He just kept spitting lies about things which were never present in the game itself. As Andrew (Nixon) said, please ask him why the hell we should believe him this time around. Don't send him questions with an attitude like we should be "honored" that he decided to talk to us, ask him tough questions too.

Well, first of all no decision is taken at PC without consensus amongst all the admins, so that batch of questions was selected by more than just me.

Secondly, we felt that there was no need to aggravate Andrew Wilson at the outset, as in that case we wouldn't get any answer at all. Right now, we actually hope that we'll get an intelligible answer from him, even if it doesn't turn out to be totally accurate. I don't think that our angering him is going to really improve the quality of cricket 2005, so why not just keep him humoured till such time that we have satisfactory answers to our questions ?

He's also been asked to visit this thread if he can get time-off from his oh-so-busy schedule, as then he'll get a better idea of the fans angst towards EA sports.

Hopefully that answers your queries.
;) I got one more question:

Why didn't you guys used MVP Baseball 2005's Engine? :mad:

Baseball is similar to Cricket, so why didn't you guys used this engine?
MVP Baseball 2005 has excellent gameplay and has same graphics as Fifa:boxing
This engine could've improved alot more gameplay then the Fifa Engine:mad

Why Fifa why not MVP? :help
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sounds logical, except it is likely that there are not that many cricket fans interested in baseball, and (from what i can make out from these forums) quite a few who are into soccer. therefore, "based on fifa's graphics" sounds better than "based on MVB's graphics."
Bill_Law_Dain said:
;) I got one more question:

Why didn't you guys used MVP Baseball 2005's Engine? :mad:

Baseball is similar to Cricket, so why didn't you guys used this engine?
MVP Baseball 2005 has excellent gameplay and has same graphics as Fifa:boxing
This engine could've improved alot more gameplay then the Fifa Engine:mad

Why Fifa why not MVP? :help

ya ofcourse nice question.
ritwik said:
Well, first of all no decision is taken at PC without consensus amongst all the admins, so that batch of questions was selected by more than just me.

Secondly, we felt that there was no need to aggravate Andrew Wilson at the outset, as in that case we wouldn't get any answer at all. Right now, we actually hope that we'll get an intelligible answer from him, even if it doesn't turn out to be totally accurate. I don't think that our angering him is going to really improve the quality of cricket 2005, so why not just keep him humoured till such time that we have satisfactory answers to our questions ?

He's also been asked to visit this thread if he can get time-off from his oh-so-busy schedule, as then he'll get a better idea of the fans angst towards EA sports.

Hopefully that answers your queries.
I understand. I'm just interested in seeing if he has the decency to address any of the tougher questions about this and the previous games. I'd be shocked if he even acknowledges that he has visited these forums and read these threads.
Are there gonna be series like PEPSI CUP between the Pakistan and India? :upray
Will there be more umpires like steve buckner etc?
Will it again be made for the White People instead of the Asians :mad ?
Will we be able to update a players stats from the internet?

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Internet Stats update wont happen, i think. I would want the stats of the player and teams to update as we play the matches in the actual game.. And whenever we need to update it with real stats, there should be some easy way to do it.

Dear waleed123, there is a 2005 awards nomination going on. Go and nominate yourself for the most funniest signature... (no offence but true!)
saisrini80 said:
Dear waleed123, there is a 2005 awards nomination going on. Go and nominate yourself for the most funniest signature... (no offence but true!)
Man, why is it that mostly only the Pakistanis here say stupid stuff like that???? :crying
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