Attn: All australians

Do you want to write for us? We will be really slow putting out issues it's just me writing articles and a column from another guy. You can write about sport and you only need 1 article/write up per month. Interested?

I have sent you an email. Do check and let me know.
How many articles do you have so far Jake and what topics do you need more articles on for this month?
How many articles do you have so far Jake and what topics do you need more articles on for this month?

If you could whip up one about soccer or NRL it would be good thanks.

We are not getting many in, need them in within the next 6 days or we will have to postpone the first issue.
First issue postponed until we get a few more articles in.

If we are always going to be this late, I'm just gunna cancel it altogether.
I only just saw this Jake, would be happy to do anything really. But mostly I can do soccer (Irish Domestic League)
Just wondering if everyone is still interested, I have deleted all the programs from my computer, but could create them all again if needed. I would want 6 or more writers guaranteed, and a fresh start on the articles.
Are any Australian people interested in updating Australian sport issues, previews, reviews, profiles, interviews, etc, whatever you can do, and get another one of these going?

If we get enough interest, I'll start a new thread. Details and everything to come in the new thread, if we get enough interest and confirmed writers.
Aye. A-League here braaahhh.

Good stuff brah.

Need at least 3-6 people writing at least covering most subjects.

Cricket - Jakester1288 & Left_Hander
NRL - Left_Hander & Jakester1288
Soccer - Feelin Blue?
AFL - Covvy
Tennis? - (Possibly someone needed)

Any other Australian sports that someone could write for?

Get in quick, but you must be able to do at least 1 article per issue, and each issue will probably be monthly.
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