Aussies Twenty20 uniform (Yuck!)

Yeah, the new Twenty20 uniform looks terrible. I'm sure CA could have spent more time in creating a better looking uniform for the Australian team, even if it is only the Twenty20 one.
Meh, they probably can't be stuffed, they know any shirt they release with the name Australia on it will be a good seller in stores here in Aus.
LMFAO!! legspinner@fred got pwned.

'and worse kit of the century goes to...'

'...but wait, it wasn't even produced in this century?'
Would have been good if they built on the previous 20/20 one. If they want grey for this form of the game then that one was the best looking of the two 20/20 kits we've had released.
And the worse kit of the century award goes to...
I liked that one. Someone's upset that we claimed the WC on their soil.



Disgusting! The grey is horrid!

One question I must ask though; Why do we keep changing the look of our uniform? Can't we just keep it to one colour and stick to it? We change it every 6 bloody months! I know that CA want more money, but it gets annoying.
Does anyone know who is the between Bracken and Haddin? I can name the rest, but I can't figure out who that is.
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I liked that one. Someone's upset that we claimed the WC on their soil.

Quite clearly fixed.
I know it was in 20th century, how could you forget that rain at the opening ceremony?
You can't give out an award for the 21st century 7 years into it.:D
I quite like the new kit to be honest.
According to Adidas:
Now, they are small numbers, but cricket is as much a game of hanging onto half-chances as any. Technobabble, perhaps, but a five percent improvement in power could be the difference between getting caught and clearing the rope. That's a lot more important than looking pretty (which, for the record, is of alarming important in this thread. Who shaves their arms? :rolleyes: ).

Whats with the rolleyes at the shaving arms part?

Adidas can spout some mumbo jumbo about an 1.13% or whatever improvement in delaying muscle fatigue, and you play it up as being important in a game of half chances.

Now, suppose Ponting shaved his forearms, wouldn't it reduce friction with the atmosphere and provide him with 1.13% or whatever extra speed in hitting the stumps or flaying the ball?

Think about that the next time you throw the old rolleyes at some idea.

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