Australia 15 top prospects


Retired Administrator
Dec 16, 2003
Fifteen of Australia's most promising young cricketers have been chosen to be part of the elite 2006 Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) men's program at the Commonwealth Bank Centre of Excellence (CBCE).

The program aims to develop young Australian cricketers in a bid to service the short, medium and long term needs of the Australian men's cricket team.

Nominated by the States and handpicked by the National Selection Panel (NSP), the 15 players are: Doug Bollinger (NSW) Daniel Doran (Qld), Cullen Bailey (SA), Callum Ferguson (SA), George Bailey (Tas), Ben Hilfenhaus, (Tas), Tim Paine (Tas), Adam Crosthwaite (Vic), Aaron Finch (Vic), Peter Siddle (Vic), Beau Casson (WA) , Brett Dorey (WA), Ben Edmondson (WA), Shaun Marsh (WA), Adam Voges (WA).

The 15 'scholars' will attend an 18-week development program beginning in Brisbane next month under the watchful eye of CBCE head coach Tim Nielsen and his team of coaches including Jamie Siddons, Dene Hills, Brian McFadyen and newly appointed fast bowling coach Troy Cooley.

The training program will include a tournament with other International academies from South Africa, New Zealand and India in July, and will then be followed by a three-week international tour in late August/September.

Commenting on the selected intake, NSP Chairman of Selectors Trevor Hohns said:

?We have chosen 15 players based on a squad-type situation which will become particularly important when the scholars embark on the international tour later in the year."

?As such we have tried to select a balanced squad of players to cover all facets of the game, and within that we have selected a blend of young players, along with others who have played some first-class cricket."

?It?s important to note we also had some other players in the picture for this year?s intake, including the likes of Dan Cullen, Mitchell Johnson, Shaun Tait, and Mark Cosgrove."

?They have committed to county contracts in England and while it would have been good to have them participate in the full program, they will still benefit from playing overseas and are welcome to join parts of the AIS program at the Commonwealth Bank Centre of Excellence at any time.?

AIS Director Professor Peter Fricker said he was proud of the significant role the Commonwealth Bank Centre of Excellence, and the Cricket Academy before it, had made to the success of Australian cricket.

?Watching young cricketers develop and reach new heights is very exciting, and to know that the Centre of Excellence has played a major part in that development is a tremendous reflection of the program's success,? Professor Fricker said.

?The Centre of Excellence provides the perfect catalyst in uniting Australia's young talent through a recognised national development structure.?

Good group of young prospects some of which I have picked. :) Bit surpised Henquries was overlooked cause I don't think Aaron Finch has played that many games and Peter Siddle hasn't played too many either. Other thing to note is only one NSW player was picked, is this the end of the baggy blues? :(
good batch of talented players there.

not sure about Peter Siddle because he has barely played and Adam Crosthwaite the keeper who cant bat for peanuts.

wouldve liked to see Aaron Bird there as well as Henriques but meh...what can u do.

Shame those other guys have county commitments.
You can basically add those guys with County commitments and Henquries to that list of 15.
I'm surpised they didn't pick Ronchi or Hartley instead of Adam Crosthwaite. I guess the selectors right him more highly than the other two.
Definitely surprising not to pick Hartley or Ronchi for the squad. Good to see Bollinger there, with no Mitch Johnson :), but I suppose he's "much too talented" for development..... I remember David Hookes saying a baggy blue warranted you a baggy green; he would like to see that line up. Interesting move to pick Finch and Siddle when they have guys like Bird and Henrqies as mentioned, and also O'Brien. Ferguson's been maturing into quite a dangerous player lately, he's been on the FC scene from a pretty young age and this program should further his experience.
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i know Hartley and Crosthwaite are rated as great glovemen...but i think Hartley's a much more advanced batsman. And Ronchi...well he's just explosive with the bat...and good gloveman too.

i saw Crosthwaite facing Adam Griffith in an ING game and he looked all at sea...trapped plumb in front 1st ball.
Brett Dorey is hardly young.

Either Travis Birt is playing overseas, or they've made a really bad decision regarding him.
Only 1 person from NSW!
A few good talents there but a few which will take a lot of time.
Well you can't really make that sort of statement if he faced one delivery. But I agree, Hartley seems to be the most developed batsman, with Ronchi being inconsistent and quite explosive at times. Keepers are obviously analyzed on their ability with the bat these days, so it's a massive positive if you've got promise in that area. I haven't seen too much of Crosthwaite, but he'll be working intensely on his batting as he realises the area of concern, so it'll be an interesting contest in the near future with the relatively mysterious depth in keeping.
EDIT: To be honest, I msut have missed Brett Dorey in the list before, and....:eek:
And nice avatar tassietiger, Seinfeld kills the stuff on today.
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Great to see Cullen Bailey in there. And where the hell is Moses Henriques?
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Currently in this Australian side there are lot of guys who age more than 30.Aren't there any young kids who can play well for Australia?
yes but we have dumb selectors.

i know u cant judge a guy's batting ability with one ball but what i saw was a real worry.
yes i wouldve thought Travis Birt wouldve made it in there.
Shaun Marsh has got a HUGE future, I think they need to get him into there soon, Stats don't tell the tale, His all class!
What about the U19 skip, Moises Henriques? I believe it would have been a perfect opportunity to groom him. Also Luke Ronchi should have got the nod.
I know, quite a ridiculous decision to neglect Henriques for Finch, although there could be something behind it. I wonder whether the county side that've signed Johnson will actually play him ;)
A kind of off-topic question, if anyone's seen him, what's this Derik Nannes like? I hear he's got pace and is a prospect for Victoria, although is 29 years of age.
I missed Dorey too, but he has at least 5 years left in him so why not let him join this squad.

They definitely should have took Henquries, don't know why they didn't. I would have thought NSW would have at least nominated him.

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