Bat Pics for bat making

Thanks to another eagle-eyes - Colin - it seems that Chris Cairns is using a Gray-Nicolls Phoenix (southern hemisphere style). So, I dutifully respond:


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Burma's Finest said:
Hmm... that's an interesting development. Thanks for that Saurabh. Is the same true for Tendulkar now?

Yes, its true for Tendulkar.


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So, after my brief filirtation with BLIC bat-making, I have returned to my C2K5 duties. Here is the Ihsan Emperor as used by T.Duffin and A.G.Cremer of Zimbabwe.


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oh another one for ya;) langer now uses a greenish old kahuna coloured grip:)
very nice, i love the tape job, perhaps tad darker tape and smooth the kookaburra blue bit:P

oh i leave in 2 hours, dont rush it:)
langerrox said:
very nice, i love the tape job, perhaps tad darker tape and smooth the kookaburra blue bit:P

oh i leave in 2 hours, dont rush it:)
Time for the teabreak in the cricket so the only place I'm rushing is to bed, I assure you. It's now 6.10am. :rolleyes: 209/4 - What happened to your world-bashers? :p
aussie1st said:
World Basher Hayden just scored a 100. :D
But "World Basher" Gilchrist falls on his sword. Freddie the Aussie Basher strikes again! :happy

And I have finally finished Langer's Ultimate Belta completely from scratch.


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