Beta Patch Improvement Area Thread

feild settings is the only thing i can think of. get some realistic feild settings and this will be the best cricket game ever by long way
(Just saw this thread, I posted it in the 30 page thread but I feel it would fit better here)

Couple of things; a fielder returned it from long off back to Haddin, bounced right next to him, Haddin just stood there and didn't do anything, conceeded two runs.

Also, my field settings keep changing. It seems that they keep changing when I switch between a spinner and a seamer, I realise that spin and seam have different settings, but I expect them to remain the same rather than, say, if a seamer was using Defensive 5, the spinner then uses Defensive 5. Also, they always seem to default to Attack 1 whenever you change the bowling. I'm probably completely wrong, but I'm not a fan of that, it should remain the same as the previous seamer if you've brought in a seamer, or if you're replacing a spinner with a seamer, the seamer should use the last seamer's field settings.

Looking at it now, it appears to be random. I made a double bowling change, bringing Johnson in for Hauritz and White in for Siddle. Johnson had Attacking Pace 1 set to him, White had Attacking Leg Spin 13, Johnson then had Attacking Pace 5, and then White had Balanced Leg Spin 15. Any chance of rectifying this? They were all the same batsman, Wright and Flintoff.

Haha, reverse inswinging yorker not given out LBW. Nice one, Monty Panesar's cousin.

Also, free hits in ODIs. Nao.
its is very stuped mate, would you ever have long on long off back in the first over of a ODI.. naaa not in million years....

Exactly and its not much to ask to be honest especially as they let us down on the game pre patch fair enough they have now sorted many of the annoying issues but theres still a few stupid things in the patch which could be edited easier than some of the work they have already done on the patch.
If this was all sorted we would have the best cricket game ever in our hands.
I'm sure if you suggested replacement fields, they would consider adding them into the final patch.
I have just posted a new thread where people can upload or even detail their prefered fields. Does anyone know if there are different fields currently for the 3 different formats in the game? I seem to remember that they are all very similar if not the same
I'm sure if you suggested replacement fields, they would consider adding them into the final patch.

Ok matt how about these fields for a start.

1) start of a ODI / fast bowler / aggressive batsman – deep fine leg, deep third man, first slip, gully, point, cover point, short cover, mid off, mid wicket, mid on, square leg.
2) start of a ODI / fast-mid bowler / aggressive batsman – deep fine leg, deep third man, first slip, backward point, short cover, cover point, extra cover, mid off, mid wicket, mid on, square leg.
3) start of a ODI / slow-mid bowler / aggressive batsman – short fine leg, deep third man, first slip, backward point, short cover, cover point, extra cover, mid off, mid wicket, mid on, deep square leg.

If their really interested I can give them about 30 different fields according to situations and players for ODI alone
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I have just posted a new thread where people can upload or even detail their prefered fields. Does anyone know if there are different fields currently for the 3 different formats in the game? I seem to remember that they are all very similar if not the same

Good idea, i am just wondering exactly how the ai decides on the fields, I presume it is scripted that if "batsman hits 4 four's then change to defensive 1"?

Is it also scripted in relation to the type of batsman? for eg. Aggressive, tailender etc.?

Is is scripted in relation to the match situation? for eg. If the opponent is 58/8.?

And then there are different formats of the game?

Problem is there are different bowlers also, so now it is getting a bit complicated I assume????
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Good idea, i am just wondering exactly how the ai decides on the fields, I presume it is scripted that if "batsman hits 4 four's then change to defensive 1"?

And then there are different formats of the game?

Problem is there are different bowlers, so now it is getting a bit complicated I assume????

This mirrors my thoughts about it as it would be very hard for the current ai to adjust to the situation, so i was thinking of about 8 to 10 fields plus slight variations of these fields for each style of bowler but they would need to compliment the line and length of the ai bowler for them to be effective.

Due to my lack of programming knowledge i dont know how easy it is to set and the ai bowling, if it is a lengthy process then it would be best to base the fields around the current ai line/length as opposed to the other way round.

In regards to batting as they have apparantly made the timing bar smaller for the beta patch how about making the perfect area very small and then either side slighty larger? This way only perfect would go for a boundaries while the area either side would not be as powerful and therefore wouldn't.
I'm sure if you suggested replacement fields, they would consider adding them into the final patch.

I would imagine pictorial representations of the fields would be even better received
In regards to batting as they have apparantly made the timing bar smaller for the beta patch how about making the perfect area very small and then either side slighty larger? This way only perfect would go for a boundaries while the area either side would not be as powerful and therefore wouldn't.

The timing bar is smaller, problem is that if you play agressively, chances are that even if you time the shot anywhere inside the timing bar, it goes for a boundary.

If you miss the timing bar totally, you miss the ball :rtfl

It makes sense that the power of the ball must be "turned down" if it is not a perfect shot. - then again, problem is edges would not carry........

Catch 22 if you ask me?
I think your best chance of getting any changes in is to post modifications to the existing fields, rather than new ones. And perhaps restrict the changes to changing 2 fielders per setting, else it'll be far too much work for TG to consider, I would have thought. Also, try and keep the "point" of the field the same, so if it's a field which defends square leg, you can suggest changes, but keep it so that it's defending square leg.

For the AI, there needs to be a field covering each area of the boundary, so it's no good saying "no long on and long off for fast bowlers" because then the AI can't do anything about it if you start whacking it straight.
The patch is making my game hang. I never experienced the game freezing pre-patch, but now it seems to freeze quite frequently.

I hope this is something that can be addressed through the finalised patch.

Has anyone tried lowering the batting strength of certain batsmen to see what differences we get??? would be great if somebody would be willing to experiment and report back....

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