Big Ant Studios post first look at Cricket game

...I'm really just having a laugh, rather than being serious. But it's pretty silly to put an image out there saying it's a "first look" at a game, when it's pretty obviously photoshopped and, lets be honest, pretty underwhelming. That and Big Ant's track record on the rugby league games isn't all that flash.

For a game that's been delayed and delayed, it's not got a great "brand" already, when you compare that with how Trickstar are handling themselves right now (by engaging the fans, being realistic and moderating our expectations) I know which horse I'm betting on...

As cricket fans, we should expect better... regardless of just saying "well, it's a cricket game, we should just be happy" ...demand the very best, not the "best we can get"

Again, wow, just wow!

Have you forgotten that Transmission/Trickstar were so late that they missed an entire cricket season and caused Codemasters an incredible loss to the point of them leaving cricket entirely? That Trickstar released a patch as a full game?

Have you forgetten that Transmission went out of business, didn?t pay their creditors and employees only to phoenix as Trickstar?

Sorry, who?s got the problem with their brand?
Welcome to the forums bigants. Please don't mind the sarcasm of us fans here on PC. We are a much deprived segment of gaming market. Having been duped by many developers during the last 15 years, our skepticism is somewhat justified. But you will find the most valuable opinions regarding a viable cricket game here on this very forum. We hope to see and hear much more from you.
Hi bigant
Not all of us think the game looks bad.
I look forward to both games and if bigant release
the better cricket game next year than that's great.
Please show us some more of the game soon to shutup
the critics on this site.:D
As a member of this site Biggs and anyone of us for that matter are allowed to express our opinion negative or positive

And based on that screen shot I agree with him doesn't look that great

Not to say the game won't be, but since the game was announced over a year ago I believe and then hear nothing till last week you can understand the frustration
Yes agree that being a member on the forum everyone has right to express his opinion be it negative or positive.

But seeing there is no Cricket Games coming and then speaking ---- about the game isnt acceptable without even know what the game is going to be actually. From the screenshot we just cannot say how it is going to be and saying its photoshopped is bullshit.

Go on and bring on the thrashing but that was an arrogant post from Biggs
Welcome to the forums, Ross. People will always a different opinion on the same thing. It's great to see Big Ant trying to get involved with the fans and I hope you guys will hear the suggestions from us. It will be great if we know about some of the features, etc. which you guys have/are thinking to include/d in the game.
As a member of this site Biggs and anyone of us for that matter are allowed to express our opinion negative or positive

And based on that screen shot I agree with him doesn't look that great

Not to say the game won't be, but since the game was announced over a year ago I believe and then hear nothing till last week you can understand the frustration

Agreed with all above, everyone is entitled to an opinion, I am just pointing out that "normally" mod's have been chosen because they have an even handed approach and normally ensure facts are correct before posting.... I guess things are different on here.

BTW everything I have posted is not an opinion, it is fact, hopefully we can all keep it like that :p


New Deadlines, new release dates of no use. Is this what the standard behaviour is on here by the developers?

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

Not sure, I just got here.... I guess so?

Lol, love your signature, just don't read it out aloud as someone might hear you :p
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I really can't believe I read those comments by a big ant developer.
The phrase "throwing your toys from your pram" springs to mind.
If you create something and expect everyone to like it, your crazy!
When I read biggs's comments I believed he was a bit harsh. But I also respected that he has his own opinion.
Have a read of the trickstar guys reactions to criticism. He just takes it on the chin and accepts that we (the target audience) know what we want to see from a cricket game.
Take a chill pill dude. Seriously!
On another note, I personally welcome your game! Now it's up to you to impress us with news on game play and features. Over to you...............
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I really can't believe I read those comments by a big ant developer.
The phrase "throwing your toys from your pram" springs to mind.
If you create something and expect everyone to like it, your crazy!
When I read biggs's comments I believed he was a bit harsh. But I also respected that he has his own opinion.
Have a read of the trickstar guys reactions to criticism. He just takes it on the chin and accepts that we (the target audience) know what we want to see from a cricket game.
Take a chill pill dude. Seriously!

I wouldn't have minded a post that critiqued the screenshot, it's an early days shot, we're trying all sort of things, 70's style retro gear, 80's gear. The "mittens" are due to it being mid animation and the fingers are spread - we will fix that obviously.

I am reasonably chilled, I wasn't reacting to criticism, I was reacting to being called a fraud, which I don't expect from a mod - I now understand things are a bit different on here although I don't understand that you think my reaction was any greater than the original post.
@BigAntStudios - Can you just answer when will this game be out? How much development is done?

It's been under development for a long time, years, it's a pet project of mine personally as I have family that play cricket (one of my son-in-laws is in India playing right now). However as this is a self-funded title it has been using resources as they become available from other projects.

Now that we have finished our Rugby League title everyone at Big Ant Studios is onboard to get this Cricket game out the door.

I can't tell you when it will be out due to confidentiality agreements that are in place but I can say that I think it is great that you will have two games to choose from next year and competition can only make the games better :)
I would expect that all users discuss the points being made rather than personal comments, both with respect to Biggs and posts criticising BigAntStudios' posts so far.

It's my view that staff are encouraged to give their opinions as they see fit, being a moderator doesn't lose you the right to an opinion. Of course it also means that you're all welcome to criticise that view.
That sounds nice. This agreement ---- always comes in between though :p It would be nice to know how much the game has been developed like is it playable? Still under development? What features? and if these questions cannot be answered right now then how man more days?
That sounds nice. This agreement ---- always comes in between though :p It would be nice to know how much the game has been developed like is it playable? Still under development? What features? and if these questions cannot be answered right now then how man more days?

It's payable and it's fun - we're adding in all of the stuff we've developed from our other sports games, extensive player creators, player sharing, Career modes, and a lot of other stuff that I will give details about over time.

This experience will be a fluent bowler to bat to field experience, there will be no quick time button press mini-games.

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