BLIC Team Information Editor

can't wait for this!
barmyarmy said:
Another interesting find. Firstly you can't edit the save files either without corrupting and secondly in the save files of the licensed modes the player face bytes are all the same. Perhaps someone eagle-eyed could compare a licensed player in the save with the unlicensed self in the gamedata file and see if anything else is different.

Hmm, this may just have been me being stupid. i.e. I'd already changed all the England player faces and the save file derives from the gameandplayerdata file.
On the positive side I've worked out how to use the compare feature on my hex editor...
hey guys

does it mean we can actually incease our bowlers speed?Those who bowls in mid 70's will bowl in like 90's if we increase pace through editor???can any1 make sure mate.thanks ;)
steppie said:
hey guys

does it mean we can actually incease our bowlers speed?Those who bowls in mid 70's will bowl in like 90's if we increase pace through editor???can any1 make sure mate.thanks ;)

that would be so awesome if its possible - hopefully there are some min/max speed bytes somewhere that can be adjusted.
can you make brett bix bowl faster?:P for me he bowls like 140 tops
Does this editor allow for total teams to be edited\changed- ie change say USA to Essex All Time XI? Would be lovely if it could
Hearty congrats to all involved in this!

This is going to make the game very awesome indeed!

Love the look of the editor, very professional.
Now, patience is a virtue, but as many others have stated, we can't stand the wait! :)
Good luck!
Don't worry guys it's gettin there, and yes i will release a beta first then make some improvements. Honestly, i'm not far off now. Please keep your patience!!

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