BLIC Team Information Editor

computer slogs only behind the wicket.. i havn't seen a straight six hit by any player... is it possible to patch this bug??
I just want to get one thing straight this editor is alot like lazy_chesnuts. Hopefully better though with a load more features, these features shall start to be included later. The beta is currently just a player editor. By the full release there shall deffinatly be a line-up editor aswell.

All the A.I. stuff at the moment can not be patched to my knowledge. Nobody is yet to find the config files to sort this out.
OK I have good news. I have finished the beta release. Shall be posted on here asap. No Private Messages about me sending it to you. They will be ignored. It should be available for download very soon.
i get an error when trying to open the editor?
Any idea how i can get it to work?


  • BLIC errir.jpg
    BLIC errir.jpg
    50.7 KB · Views: 204
I got that error aswell, can anyone help? It looks so goo a just want to try it :crying help!!! :crying
Well, the re-release is needed. ;) I get the same error. :crying


I'm keen to edit all the short team names to the full team names! :)

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