BLIC Team Information Editor

ive got it to work .. i want to change Fazl - E - Akbr to Naved-Ul-Hasan is that possible.. i tried to click Fazl's short name but i can't type it? it doesnt move? any help guys
Sorry guys it looks like i have made a big boo boo. For some reason all the fields are locked. Hey this release hasn't been great has it. Below is an edited version. Works correctly. Sorry about all the niggley problems :( my mistake


  • BLIC Team Information Editor 1.02
    73 KB · Views: 100
Last edited:
ive tried your newer version man .. and when i click on Fazl E Akbr and change his short name as Naved-Ul-Hasan and change his face to Rana's face and when i click save and choose my team it still has Fazl E Akbr name and face?
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humm i dunno mate. If you save it, close it then re-open the file is everything changed as it should be. If so then you have either edited the wrong team roster, or u have custom names in your profile. Try moving your profile to another folder and then try. I say move it so u don't lose what u have already done.
ive edited the Pakistan\TeamInfo.dat yeh when i open the file with your editor and choose the Fazl E Akbr name it has Naved-Ul-Hasan in the short name box and has Rana face which is 193 for the Licensed and Unliscenesed faces.. But when selecting the team for a match it has Fazl e Akbr name and face. where as in the Team Info Editor it has Rana name and face
Looking good so far (and I'm able to view and edit Xbox data, which makes it more useful for me than the other editor), but some problems I've seen...

- Anytime I select a player the bowling accuracy changes. If I click on Harmison three times his accuracy changes from "High" to "Medium" to "Low" and back to "High" if I click again.
- There's no values present for Swing and Seam movement.
- I have to re-select the directory each time I load the program
- Can't view faces (this may have something to do with it being the Xbox data)
E=MC said:
ive edited the Pakistan\TeamInfo.dat yeh when i open the file with your editor and choose the Fazl E Akbr name it has Naved-Ul-Hasan in the short name box and has Rana face which is 193 for the Licensed and Unliscenesed faces.. But when selecting the team for a match it has Fazl e Akbr name and face. where as in the Team Info Editor it has Rana name and face
Have you imported the file back into the TeamAndPlayerInfo.bag file?
The Pace Is not changing and their is no change in bowling stats except for accuracy in the game .anybody else having the problem?
Maybe a silly question - can one edit career players? If so, how?
Ok hogg thanks for your feedback. Have fixed all the problems. The seam and swing settings are not there because i don't know which bytes in the roster file are for it yet. They will be there though.

Im not sure about the faces, are the thumbnails being displayed correctly. Because the view button next to the face number doesn't work at all yet. That is there for another release. If you have the main directory selected properly then the thumbnails should work.


  • BLIC Team Information Editor 1.03
    73.2 KB · Views: 84
When i change the bowling speed and save it, close the editor, open it again the speed is back to default! Anyone else with this problem?

Are you thinking of putting a Bat viewer into the editor?, because i don't know what the bats look like!!!

The only problem is the speed so far! Can anyone help?
My speed changes work fine!

I have a problem with the licensed faces though - it still shows the unlicensed faces in the game, even though it was changed in the editor.

I also can't view the faces.
Well thats annoying, I want flintoff to bowl about 88 mph and i can't :crying

What file did everyone extract, the file i extracted was England\TeamInfo.dat

Can someone tell me if this is the file they extracted!

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