Bug Reporting Thread

Platform: Xbox one
Mode: career
Match: club one day
Teams: Victorian club teams (customised names)
Ground: custom
Overcount: 9 ( see description)
Issue: continuous autosave, no progress actually recorded.
Long description: I noticed that the autosave icon had been on the screen for quite a while (several minutes) and it continued throughout my game until I had scored a century and tried to exit with the hope that it would save properly (around the 35 over mark). But instead when I exited the screen went black and it didn't resume when I tried if from the Xbox home screen. After resetting the console a couple of times the game finally started again, but my career matched is left at the 9 overmark and my score on 21, probably when the previous successful autosave took place. I am unsure when the autosave issue started but it must have been happening for at least 10 overs.
Platform: Xbox One
Game Version: Latest patch
Game Mode: Tour
Match Type: ODI
Teams used: England and New Zealand
Ground: Downloaded
Over Count: As per video
Issue (one line description): Stumping issue
Bug description (detail): I sent this ball down and the batsman missed it. I then threw the ball and stumped it. It referred to the digital board but didn’t show a reply and then it was given out. I then was offered a referral. Please see attached video.
Platform: PS4
Mode: career
Match: Any
Teams: Any
Ground: Any

Issue: Third umpire wrong decision

This bug was already reported earlier before the latest release but yet not fixed

Watch full video

Platform: PS4
Mode: Ground Training
Match: NA
Teams: NA
Ground: NA

Issue: Fielding Camera changes do not take effect in Ground Training while batting. Doesn't matter which camera you select, it uses the same Fielding Camera.
Platform: PS4
Mode: Any
Match: Any
Teams: Academic Teams
Ground: Any

Issue: All uniforms quality are not at all good. Uniform logos are blur.

Raised this issue several times.. Please
Platform: xbox
Mode: career
Match: -
Teams: Victorian clubs
Ground: -

Issue: bowl X maiden overs objectives not recorded correctly

This objective only seems to record the maidens bowled in the final innings if a match. I noticed this much earlier, before the most recent patch, but have only recently returned to playing career mode and the issue still persists. Despite bowling 7 maidens over the course I'd the match, only one (from the second and final innings) was added to my tally. Other objectives appear to record correctly (take X wickets; score X runs).
Platform: xbox
Mode: any
Match: any
Teams: any
Ground: any

Issue: problem changing fields and switching over/around wicket sometimes on first ball of over.

Long description: frequently I find that, on the first bowl of an over, especially after simulation or beginning of an innings, pushing left or right to change bowling approach angle actually changes field setting instead. At the same time, moving fielder positions has no effect. This is only rectified by either bowling a delivery or bailing half way through the run-up.
Platform: PS4
Mode: Tour
Match: Custom - "Retro Test" (as per default test settings but no BARS)
Teams: Australia 90/91 v England 90/91
Ground: The Gabba

Issue: Misfields treated as drops.

Any misfield is treated as a drop in terms of crowd groaning, and then going to a replay of the "drop". The splash screen before the replay shows "4" as if a boundary.[DOUBLEPOST=1528984458][/DOUBLEPOST]Platform: PS4
Mode: Tour
Match: Custom - "Retro Test" (as per default test settings but no BARS)
Teams: Australia 90/91 v England 90/91
Ground: The Gabba

Issue: Field choice imbalance

Had a number 6 batsman (set) and number 8 batting all-rounder (new to crease) at the wicket, and the number 8 had a more defensive field set than the number 6. This only changed when the number 6 batsman passed 100.
Platform: PS4
Mode: Tour
Match: Custom - "Retro Test" (as per default test settings but no BARS)
Teams: Australia 90/91 v England 90/91
Ground: The Gabba

Issue: Recurrence of DBC17 field not sticking bug

Selected field by placing fielders and choosing apply to all, but field didn't stick. had to repeat several times before it did. have been using this method throughout the match and no issue until now.

see video.

Platform: PS4
Mode: Tour
Match: Custom - "Retro Test" (as per default test settings but no BARS)
Teams: Australia 90/91 v England 90/91
Ground: The Gabba

Issue: Catching mini-game not firing, catch dropped

I use semi-assisted fielding so get the mini-game for catches. just had the AI edge to slip but the mini-game didn't fire and was dropped.

see video.

Platform: PC(Steam)
Mode: Competition
Match: -
Teams: -
Ground: -

Issue: After completing a competition, Player stats made in the competition are not added to academy stats.
Platform: PC(Steam)
Mode: Casual / any
Match: - odi/t20/others/test
Teams: -
Ground: -

Issue: 1. During overcast/cloudy/partly cloudy there is no proper shadow or light texture.
During these conditions there is always bright sunlight.
Lights and shadows should be dull during these weather conditions.

2. During rain or shower there is no rain or shower in the game.
During rainy weather the match always starts with reducing 20% of an innings over ( like: in t20s game reduced to 16 overs and in odis game reduced to 40 overs and if it is 10 overs game it is reduced to 8 overs )
During shower weather the match always starts with reducing 10% of an innings over ( like: in t20s game reduced to 18 overs and in odis game reduced to 45 overs and if it is 10 overs game it is reduced to 9 overs )
During the game there is no rain interruption comes. So playing in rainy or shower becomes meaningless.
And DLS method is not properly implemented. And It is predefined that the game always starts with reducing overs depending on it is shower or rainy weather.
Platform: PS4
Mode: Field Practice
Match: N/A
Teams : N/A
Ground: N/A

Issue: When using an actual bowler to bowl to you instead of the Bowling machine, and selecting the option where you can point the exact spot that ball much pitch , the bowler will bowl random balls elsewhere. It feels that he will bowl 2 balls exactly where you are asking him to bowl , and then he would bowl a random ball elsewhere.
issues:online stats are not updating freezing upon joining invited online matches.

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