Buying Don Bradman Cricket 14 in Asia

Yes indications are that Don Bradman Cricket 14 will be bigger than FIFA*

*in India only.

There's certainly a hell of a lot of people that love the game outside India and if you could get a good chunk of those to pay for the legitimate game, you could be in like flint!! I don't know how the numbers stack up but if the same percentage of cricket fans buy into DB, as football fans have with FIFA you might be lighting a fair few Havanas next Xmas!!!
Yes indications are that Don Bradman Cricket 14 will be bigger than FIFA*

*in India only.

If there is one thing that has changed since the last cricket game, it is the popularity of online shopping sites in India. Flipkart is now a major player in the games market and if they could do some aggressive selling of DBC, it will sell well.

They recently ran out of stock with the new Motorola smartphone selling out in a couple of hours. So obviously money is`nt the issue here! Fingers crossed and here is me hoping DBC gets a decent debut!
No piracy talk here but i feel fully updated release for pc won't help selling legit copies in India. The need to download the day 1 update would have come handy.
No piracy talk here but i feel fully updated release for pc won't help selling legit copies in India. The need to download the day 1 update would have come handy.

Hopefully the online nature of the academy will help.
If he cannot afford, he should not be playing the game. This statement is ridiculous considering that this game need a decent pc to run and if a common man has money to spend on pc then he surely have enough money to spend on games.
I Think u are not living in people save money to buy a PC.


This kind of attitude " why do we have to pay for the game, they are just games" has to stop. :mad
Kid, Because they are just games.


Yes indications are that Don Bradman Cricket 14 will be bigger than FIFA*

*in India only.
Football is a secondery game in INDIA.We Play Cricket.So That's Why It will be a reason of some good sale of DBC in India.

*Fifa is an alternative to some games
I Think u are not living in people save money to buy a PC.


Kid, Because they are just games.


Football is a secondery game in INDIA.We Play Cricket.So That's Why It will be a reason of some good sale of DBC in India.

*Fifa is an alternative to some games

First of all, I'm not a kid and secondly they are not just games. People's livelihood depend on that. A game is a product created due to hours and hours of effort from the hundreds of developers. It takes time and money to produce games. So they are entitled to at least break even and get some margin so that they can produce more games.
Lack of money is a pretty lame excuse for pirating. I'm a student so my cash is limited too. But I save for the games I want to play. I saved to get a PS3 myself. I save for its games. I saved to get a gaming headphone. I saved for my new mobile. If I had gone by your logic, I'd have ended up stealing all of them. :rolleyes
So IMO the problem lies in your mind. Everyone who's a gamer , but strapped for cash, saves money to buy games.


P.S: I live in India. ;)
Cease and desist.
What's the reason behind the PC being the major gaming platform in India? Consoles usually last 5-6 years between generations; you'd be pretty hard pressed to get PCs to last that long without sinking thousands of quid into them upgrading graphics cards and other similar things. Unless PC/component prices are much lower there, then surely consoles are the more cost-effective way of playing games long-term?

e: I have an ignorance in PC prices here so I could be wrong: the last PC that I bought was five years ago and I've been Mac-only for the last few years so I've stopped following PC prices because I couldn't go back unless I built my own and put windows 7 on it: and since I'm a poor student using a MacBook as my primary computer makes quite a bot of sense...
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mac costs 125000-235000(pkr) here but u can build a more to avg gaming cpu in 35000pkr...
n an awsome one with some imports to a max of 65-70, 000....
while ps3 xbox 360 are around 35. ..
n ps4 40-42 so yeh consoles are cheaper...
I bought a pc back in 2008.. bf4 cod n rivals still run with medium to low settings.. (dbc 14 not so good:-()
What's the reason behind the PC being the major gaming platform in India? Consoles usually last 5-6 years between generations; you'd be pretty hard pressed to get PCs to last that long without sinking thousands of quid into them upgrading graphics cards and other similar things. Unless PC/component prices are much lower there, then surely consoles are the more cost-effective way of playing games long-term?
A PC is useful for more than just playing games, so being able to justify the purchase of a PC for education or work is far easier than an amount into a console. I imagine a lot of users are getting a second hand PC that used to be a work one.

Once you've bought a desktop PC, a graphics card capable of playing console level games is cheaper than the cost of a console.

Personally, I just spent $300 on upgrades to a PC I built in 2010 and it impresses me graphically in newer games - so that's enough to keep me from wanting a PS4 for a while yet.
Consoles usually last 5-6 years between generations

.. or more. A PC built on the same specs would probably cost the same at the time and last just as long. Although that being said, when the Xbox (or 360) came out, people were converting them straight into servers because the whole was cheaper than the parts (at least on release). However, after a few years, the main issue is the console is going to be set on old hardware. Newer variants rarely, if at all, come out with upgrade components apart from expanded hard drives, due to the simple fact that the platforms games would be created with the original and most basic of model in mind for full compatability across the range (i.e. no need to upgrade the graphics or CPU on models released or manufactured at the end of the generation's life). Failure of a component after warranty has expired means replacing the whole unit at cost, where as with a PC you can replace (or upgrade) parts and utalise the working fine original components. Plus, as Matt said, PC's have so much more flexibility in performing other tasks increasing their value.
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