Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Well then I might just go to my local GAME shop and just pre order it tomorrow and hopefully get my steelbook.

If we do get steelbooks it will be preordered customers that get them and any spares will then be given out (doubtful there will be spares if we get any at all)

Im looking forward to every delivery this week and checking if its in :)
If we do get steelbooks it will be preordered customers that get them and any spares will then be given out (doubtful there will be spares if we get any at all)

Im looking forward to every delivery this week and checking if its in :)

Then I better go tomorrow and pre order it and demand that I get the steelbook lol.
@F1RacerDan does it matter whether you pre order from the game online rather than in store? I have placed my pre order online 2 wks ago but do you think steel books will only be for the people who pre order in store?
Has anyone decided on going to their local video game store on Friday morning to get the game rather then pre order? It's something I'm debating as I have a money off receipt for in store only. I'm just wondering if this it too risky due to the amount of stock the stores may receive, any thoughts?
Has anyone decided on going to their local video game store on Friday morning to get the game rather then pre order? It's something I'm debating as I have a money off receipt for in store only. I'm just wondering if this it too risky due to the amount of stock the stores may receive, any thoughts?

Can't you pre order from the store?
Has anyone decided on going to their local video game store on Friday morning to get the game rather then pre order? It's something I'm debating as I have a money off receipt for in store only. I'm just wondering if this it too risky due to the amount of stock the stores may receive, any thoughts?
Just worth pre-ordering. You can use your voucher when you pay for the game, and you're guaranteed stock
I've never actually thought of pre ordering in store, I've always pre ordered online, I'll just go to the store tomorrow and pre order in store, cheers.
Whilst this is annoying for all the poms (and the couple of Europeans like me) I think it's nice that people in the sub-continent got the game first, after lots of speculation that they may not get the game at all :)
If i get a steelbook then one of you ballbags can have it, its only a case

Mine too ballbags!;)
I'd rather have one made out of rubber, so when I chuck it at the wife after getting out first ball, it won't do her (or the case) too much damage!
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If I get one, i'll use it and make use of a possible spare game case. If not, so be it. Just want the game in my hands

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