Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Just pre-ordered mine from GAME...already have a tournament planned for the 4th of April...Bring It On!
Just had email from Game, they won't be stocking the steel book.
Just had email from Game, they won't be stocking the steel book.

tbh i got one from them yesterday saying they weren't stocking the game at all lol So take what you get from them with a big pinch of salt. :)
Do Tesco and Asda usually stock games from the same day as national release or does it generally take them more time than specialist game retailers?
League is the best type of Rugby: and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. The only Union that I can stand watching is Six Nations games involving Scotland, and that's because we might actually win a game occasionally...

I'm holding off on ordering until everywhere stocks it and I get an idea on pricing. I get a student discount online from Zavvi, so I might see if they're stocking it before I put money down - also means that we 100% know when the game is coming out (I think its going to be the 4th, but the fact that we're talking about thinking about when the game is meant to be out less than two weeks from now shows that the release may have been mishandled a little bit - I can't imagine that this is part of some grand release strategy! I'm not expecting to see any promotion (Glasgow isn't market number 1 for Cricket games even in Scotland - the only place where you might get sales anywhere near England is Edinburgh sadly...) but it'd be nice to actually have a confirmed 100% release date - I'd even take one a bit delayed!
League is the best type of Rugby: and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. The only Union that I can stand watching is Six Nations games involving Scotland, and that's because we might actually win a game occasionally...

League was only created so that football supporters could understand it!
I don't watch league. That's for northerners! :D
Sure, if you like watching 10 minutes of Scrum resets in every game; then go wild!

I'd like Union a lot more if they fixed that actually. I mean, it has the worst part of League (the feed often isn't straight so the Scrum goes with the feed 99% of the time); but because they like to make it seem contested then you get nonsense with the thing being reset twenty billion times, and even then you get a penalty! I don't like uncontested scrums, but its better than the nonsense that union sometimes has. Its gotten better and I understand the need to make scrums safer; but sometimes it looks like refs can't enforce the feed properly because they need to watch everything else so it just makes a farce of the whole thing. If you had safe, but equally contested and fast scrums; then Union would be much easier to watch. If they found a way, I'd also like League do adopt it because Scrums, when done right, are really exciting!
No news on a steel book case tho I'm afraid! Just the date and an rrp

I'm guessing stock won't be so highso make sure you pre order;)

There are a number on the way, if I had to guess, which I am, I would say some of them would be going to GAME.
There are a number on the way, if I had to guess, which I am, I would say some of them would be going to GAME.

Ross, any info about North American region on the horizon? Given it's less than a couple of weeks to go for game's release, do you think we should hold on or should we go ahead and order from UK or Aus/NZ retailers?
There are a number on the way, if I had to guess, which I am, I would say some of them would be going to GAME.

Ye thanks for the info. I was a little worried I wasn't meant to say anything but guess it's ok. But I was very happy to see that at work saying we're getting it in stock on the 4th :)
Can you please confirm if ordered from Germany when it will be sent and how many days it will take with express delivery.

to be honest i wouldnt really know as i work in game in the uk, i presume they have the same date but im not 100% im sure if you pop down to your local store they will know.

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