Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

I'm pissed off to be honest, I went on to the facebook page and saw that Don Bradman Cricket 14 is now available in USA/Canada... really? I mean UK has a big market for cricket, cricket is bigger in the UK compared to USA/Canada why is it out there but we are still waiting. Kind of dumb to release it quickly to a country which doesn't have much interest in cricket, I'm guessing Friday is the release date well so I 've been told by Amazon, game and
One last time... the problem is not supply, the game is in the UK, there are other issues at play.
Bar GameSeek. What is the cheapest DBC in UK with quickest delivery?

Go with ShopTo, you will get it quicker than from anywhere else.
Yup go with Shopto, they will ship the game as soon as they get it in their warehouse.
One last time... the problem is not supply, the game is in the UK, there are other issues at play.

Its a bit of a shame that all the loyal fans of cricket games are ordering from abroad which is costing maybe an extra 20 quid! Its been them thats lost out with the uncertainty reguarding release date I know now with what you have told us that theres been issues with the u.k release and there been a lot of speculation because you have stayed quietabout these issues! I think personally you have been upfront that its something you cant discuss! There not many other games were we as gamers would get this kind of access to the games creators and I wish other titles would listen to the fans more and then we may get more titles we can really care about as we do for this game!
But those same larger games companies would pad the release date by extra time and probably not face some of the issues we do-EA don't make cricket as it is too small a game to make a global impact.


That said, GTAV was six months delayed.
pre ordered from Amazon... dont care when it comes now, i've waited long enough, as long as i get the game this week!!!
Despite people on here having the game, the majority of sales were on the Thursday/Friday/Saturday - you're not going to be too far behind the rest of the world.
Slightly off topic.
I would like to know to who my money goes so I decided to buy rugby league live 2. Not a massive league fan (Union fan) but hell yeah. Love it. Got to say best sports game I've ever played. So much gameplay depth. Not sure why people complaining about to many interception. Just read the game before passing. Brings me on to DBC. From gameplay vids I can see this have the same depth and more. You will be getting my money for every(maybe not synchronise swimming) game you make.

Ross surely you must have seen an increase in sales for rll2 lately?

Next a rugby game for the World Cup perhaps? ;)
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