Commentary Bias

I'm going to be really really sad when Richie leaves. He's got so much class, same with Mark Nicholas, who's probably the most unbias commentator in any sport :)
symonds_sixes said:
I'm going to be really really sad when Richie leaves. He's got so much class, same with Mark Nicholas, who's probably the most unbias commentator in any sport :)
And they are both boring, not that I do not like their commentary. :p
Yeah, not much stuff about real games but loved the song. The first one he released is the best.
Yeah the first one would be my favourite as well. The funniest thing in Boned! for me was when he said "And even Mark Nicholas go to role the arm over, none for his 4 overs" :D
Channel 9 gotta have him at least as a guest commentator. Although, I can imagine the scenes in the box.
Nevertheless, I think commentators will always be biased, some little, some more. Its what the fans want, its what the home audience want and its how the cricket is played. When teams tour, everything is against you and you have to shut up everyone.
I wish there would be more neutral commentators from third countries commentating more often. They often offer a fresh perspective rather than repeating the tired old cliches when their own countries play.

For example, Paul Allott who is now commentating for the India - West Indies series asked some very pertinent questions about the Indian Team selection and poor Laxman Sivaramakrishnan was in a quandary and tied up in knots when he tried to answer his questions.

More neutral commentators - the better the commentary! Commentators like Arun Lal and LS are boring and continue repeating the same old thing, match after match whenever India plays. The same goes with many commentators when their own countries are playing - they fall into a pattern of repeating the same dialogue over and over again and have a tendency to praise their favourite players without reserve.
siddharth2002 said:
And they are both boring, not that I do not like their commentary. :p

Richie is a little boring...but Mark Nicholas, he's pretty entertaining.
Has any one heard Ranjith Fernando? He sounds just like a SL fanboy.

Then there is 'Mr. Smart' Barry Richards. I agree he is one of the greats of the game, but he sounds as if he taught Bradman how to hold the willow.

Paul Allot was a commentator for Neo Sports in the recent India-WI series. I haven't heard much of him before, but I liked his comments.

harishankar said:
More neutral commentators - the better the commentary! Commentators like Arun Lal and LS are boring and continue repeating the same old thing, match after match whenever India plays. The same goes with many commentators when their own countries are playing - they fall into a pattern of repeating the same dialogue over and over again and have a tendency to praise their favourite players without reserve.

LS and Arun Lal come for cheap. Considering the price Neo Sports paid BCCI for the telecast rights, they'd be cutting corners in every department, including the quality of commentators.

However, Jeff Dujon and Paul Allot were very good.

Jeff Dujon is a really good commentator. I like him for his 'dry humour'. I wish ESPN-Star take him on board.

Basically, all the WI commentators- Tony Cozier, Jeff Dujon and Mike Holding are very good.

And, at last, I'd like to mention Rameez Raja. Oh boy! Doesn't he love Pakistan winning. He sounds a completely different man when Pakistan wins. However, he seems to have issues with Shoaib Akhtar.
Im not defending the idiot commentry by the loye wicket was more of a loss to england than the gilchrist wicket was to australia because australia have tremendous batting talent all the way through their line up and can afford to take more risks

P.S - I HATE TONY GREIG HE IS A PAIN IN THE REAR END they need commentators from south africa for the ashes so we dont have to listen to ex players living through the current players
Tony Greig really needs to retire from commentary. I agree with that. There was a time when I used to think he was brilliant, but he lacks depth and insight into the game and bores the viewer to tears with his mundane "excitement".
I agree on Tony Greig! I think Mark Taylor is awesome! Really good insight into the game too. Slater is good for a bit of a laugh, as much as I liked Healy as a player his commentary is way too one sided.
I don't mind Tony Greig. He says some dumb stuff, it sometimes annoys me when he says someones out before the catch is taken. Anyone notice that? Then if it's dropped he then says it.

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