Commonwealth Bank Series

I'm not sure we could do worse if we had a massive overhaul of the current team. The year 2005 is now a distant memory. I would feel ashamed of myself as I looked at the MBE on my mantlepiece after these last few months. And yet we get the same tired excuses time and time again. As a massive Freddie fan, it pains to say that he is becoming more the politician and less the people's man as game on game he seems to be developing into a caricature of himself.

The England shambles (in any game) can now be put into perspective with the below key phrases and quotes -

'It's not for the want of trying'
'This result will galvanise/spur us/bond (insert similar word in terms of a battle cry) us for the next game'
'There's a few lads hurting in there'
'We've learnt a lot'

That last one is particularly amusing - if England were world learning players instead of cricketers they'd be top of the pile at the minute. I think the time has come to cut the crap, say what needs to be said and start ditching one or two of the non-performers, including some of the so-called big guns if need be. Flintoff continues to feel that he needs to back-up this pile of mis-firing misfits, making himself look like a bit of a laughing stock in the process.

I just wish those with the power would just come out, and say what the rest of us are thinking - that the cricket at the moment is diabolical, people have rested on their laurels and revelled in this new found stardom from the home series against the Aussies last time round and that everyone's place is under threat. People have fought in wars, died for their country, done courageous things of extraordinary gravity, for their awards, accolades and OBEs/MBEs. I think it's time these lads started looking in the mirror and earn their honours!
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Colly looks all over the place. I don't think I've ever seen an England batsman so out of touch.
We really need to get some confidence back and then we might improve. Has Fletcher really gave these players a proper rollicking for what this tour. If not then he has to go and i wouldn't be surprised to see Woolmer come in
I was most dissapointed with Bell today. He looked very good and it looked like he was in for a big score.I just started thinking he's quite like Tendulkar when he plays like this and then he gets out!
It's a vicious circle at the moment. At our peak we had Harmy, Freddie, Jones, Giles and Hoggard all bowling superbly. Not one of them faltered in the cause and each contributed with some superb performances. Harmy was bowling vicious 90 mph stuff, so was Freddie. Hoggard was chipping in, Giles was keeping good control and Jones was getting people out for a pastime. It's a lot different now. It's no exaggerration to say that many people on this forum would probably have faced better bowling last season at club level than what England are putting on the plate ot the moment.

What happens then is that the batsmen feel under pressure. If they bowl first they'll be chasing 300, if they bat first they have to get 300. Very quickly it starts turning into a pressure cooker and once the batters fail we are left with what we have now, a lot of players with little or no confidence.
Harmy was looking really good towards the end of this series but by then it had finished.Hoggard wasn't too bad given the lack of swing and KP batted well. I'll never lose faith in Monty either
Harmy's attitude was a disgrace after the Test series started. Nasser Hussein was spot on with his assessment of him. Retired from ODIs, give me a break. His attitude smacked of just not being arsed with the game. Maybe he should have told those thousands of touring fans who spent top dollars for the last two tests that he wanted to get back home as soon as possible. The whole trip just looked too much for him. Just one big effort. Former world number one bowler my arse, I wouldn't swap him for the village opener at the moment.

These players should wake up and realise just how much of a privilege it is to play for their country. I hope Harmison takes his tour money to the bank and buys a Newcastle season ticket with it, because that's all he seems interested in.
With each game it gets worse and worse, people say "it cant get worse" but it always can, England wont recover until they are home, face the music and react accordingly....and they need international standard Top order batsmen...Loye, Bell, Joyce and Collingwood are a disgrace, most of them would struggle to make the NSW side...Bell scored a good what? its only 35, and he scored it in a brisk what? doesnt make him a competent No.3, he only plays 3 or 4 shots and only 2 of them are convincing. Joyce isnt international standard, Loye cant even play a cover drive and Collingwood looks like a grade cricketer lost in he scored an unbeaten double century...I am embarrased Australia allowed him to score that even if it was a dead track

The selectors are kidding themselves.
Bell is a good player and Collers isn't bad he's just in the worst form ever. i suggest all England fans don't bother going to the first test of this summer in England and when they walk out in front of an empty lords they will realise just how bad they were and just how important our support is and how much they don't deserve it
I kind of agree stereotype. The depth of the Aussie system means that their state sides would more than hold their own against the current English team. England have to realise that we beat the Australians in 2005 because we had eleven players playing out of their skins, we won a test that could have gone either way, McGrath injured himself and Warne dropped Pietersen. And even with all that going for us we won by a whisker. As great as an achievement that was, it's all in the past.

England are now fully reliant on the South African born Pietersen. And when he 'fails' getting a brisk 75 off 70 balls he's crucified. Freddie is no good as captain - hasn't anybody worked this one out yet?!? And it shows the desperation we're going to when a one legged Vaughan who has been the rabbit of local eleven bowling through the tour is immediately given his place back. I mean, what the hell does that say about the other English players sitting at home. It's a bit of a mess at the moment and I genuinely fear when the World Cup starts.
is collingwood out of form or has he been found out? he has a shocking technique
He can't be that bad when you see some of the ceturys he's made. I'm not sure he'll ever be as good for England now though. His confidence must be completely gone
He cashed in with his double hundred fair enough, but apart from that he's out of form because they've sussed him. It's also not wise to be getting involved in slanging matches with the Aussies if you've posted a string of scores that not even Tufnell would have wanted against his name.
At least he showed some character, thats part of why pietersen was so sucessful ( and he can bat)

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