Commonwealth Bank Series

i know but i see every day he doesn't play as a loss to his career and England. you do realise when he moves to a club that can win at things other than twenty20 i won't even like him that much although i think will stilll be one of his biggest fans. in fact i thnk i'm stuart broads biggest fan. certainly on these forums anyway
Leicester Fox said:
a 15 year old aussie anyway. I've changed my mind on Broad now anyway. if the selectors choose not to play him then thats their loss not mine and i will continue watching him down at grace road. screw the England team

You seriously think he would've made that much of a difference in this series? Being on this tour would've done him more harm than good. Sure, he would've got some more experience at international level but I can guarentee you, being around the England squad at the moment will not be a pleasant experience.

I realise you're biased towards him, but surely even you can see he needs to get more overs under his belt in the county game. He has a FC economy rate of 3.75 and a List A economy rate of 5.59. The Aussies would've had him for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Thats why i said that i don't care if they don't play him. and those stats are not much worse than plunketts. plus he look better in Leicestershire green anyway
how quick is he and isnt his father an opening batsmen so how is he with the willow?
Griffo said:
how quick is he and isnt his father an opening batsmen so how is he with the willow?

From what I've seen, which isn't much, he can reach high 80s (MPH) and he's only 20. He also has a couple of FC fifties to his name.
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he's not that quick. more like a McGrath type of bowler and he's tall. 6ft 5 i think and still growing.he was a batsmen when he was younger and then grew and his batting is ok. he shouldn't have been number 11 against pakistan last year.

he can get up to a reasonable pace though

if you want to see about him just use cricinfo.thats what i do when i want to know about a player
Griffo said:
How exciting Tait and Lee opening the bowling you guys better know how to duck

Is that your dream or is thats what going to happen? Cause I can't see that happening in their first ODI game together. Don't know why the selectors have ignored Hilfy after his good opening game, surely he deserved another game to prove himself.
Tait must have improved from '05 to get in your team because he was just not good enough in '05
His form is no where near that of last years but since his return from injury hes been much better. The Tait you saw in England will be the one you see here, he has the potential to rip through a lineup or go for lots of runs. His best OD figures is a 8 for.
an 8for. wow that is good but i just thought he went for too many runs in 2005. he was too expensive at times and didn't build much pressure on our batsmen
aussie1st said:
Don't know why the selectors have ignored Hilfy after his good opening game, surely he deserved another game to prove himself.

I'm pretty confused as to why they haven't given Hilfy another game, looks a good player, gets nice movement, good control, I think he's got plenty of potential, sort of reminded a bit of a cross between Gillespie and Hoggard.
The ODI probably is his form of the game cause he likes to attack the stumps rather than bowl line and length. Hes always going to be wayward with his action so you just got to hope hes on his day or he'll go for runs.
Finally, Styris is back. This can get very interesting in the finals with Fleming still due.
If i was New Zealand i wouldn't bring him back in at the moment. do they really want to upset this team?

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