Commonwealth Bank Series

Lee clocked his fastest over in NZ in 05 at 160.8km/h and Akhtar quickest is at 161km/h.

Flintoff out without doing too much damage but Collingwood still there so 240 is still on the cards.
Even Bond taking stick at the death, that's Collingwood 3rd ODI 100, two of which is in Aus :) 270 definitely should be possible which is a good effort after the early wickets they lost.
Although I am banking on Fleming to fire so that we can shut up Evertonfan and the other bloke, I forgot his name.
Bond on fire today just got Collingwood so much for the 270 I was talking about :p
Should be a good chase with the form of Vincent and Oram, NZ just got to hope today isn't the day they fail.
Well they did get 270, Bond getting a bit over-excited there, gonna be a good chase though.
Can't blame Bond. I'd be furious if I was denied a 5 for by that idiot Fulton dropping that catch. Easy, should have been taken.

Our fielding was a disgrace. At tiems so was the bowling. Styris missing that easy run out, I think that just sums up the series for us. Havn't taken our chances, even the easiest of them. Bond was amazing today and still wasn't at 100% That Vaughan delivery was what i'm used to from him. Huge inswing. Deserved 5 and to have about 8 runs off his figures from that catch. Taylor and Fulton had better bat well. They dropped a catch each. Styris missed that run-out also.

271. We can chase that. I don't expect it to be easy, but We are one of the top chasing teams in the world so we're in it. I rekon England got away with at least 10 runs more then they should have.
How often do you see a batsman drop his bat at the non strikers end as someone happens to bowl you a 85mph + yorker? Pint for Mr Collingwood from Mr Dalrymple methinks.

Well I said before that England were about 20-30 runs short after the first 35 overs, due to some quite simply rubbish bowling in the first 20 overs from NZ bar Bond. I still think that they should really have been scrambling up to 300 at the end, and not struggling to make 270. Hopefully the lights and humidity sees some swing for England, although some of those NZ batsman were getting a bit fired up by their own teams lack of discipline, concentration, and quality in the field, so if they can translate that to performance on the pitch they could get chase this down still.

Funny Irottev, I reckon NZ got away with chasing about 20 runs less than they should have. Apart from Bond the bowling was poor, the fielding was poor, but luckily for NZ the batting in the first 20 overs was just as poor.
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I think too much is being made of this whole distraction crap. Collingwood walked right acreoss his stumps, and he got bowled. I rekon it would be just as easy for the bowler to be distracted and bowl a head high full toss or something as well. Bondy did well to take aim. I'm not saying it didn't distract him, I just thought his reaction was a little bit mean.
Good score I think that. It all depends on the bowlers and although they did well in Sydney I am not too sure about the bowling attack.
Plunkett will like the conditions. He gets some swing and has pace.

I doubt Panesar will be very effective. The pitch didn't help Vettori at all, though he bowled poorly and probably the worst i've seen in a few years.
irottev said:
I think too much is being made of this whole distraction crap. Collingwood walked right acreoss his stumps, and he got bowled. I rekon it would be just as easy for the bowler to be distracted and bowl a head high full toss or something as well. Bondy did well to take aim. I'm not saying it distracted him, I just thought his reaction was a little bit mean.

Err where... as far as I saw, some people found it funny, I just merely asked how often do you see something like that happen? And of all the times you get a peach of a delivery!

The difference with the bowler and batsman, is that the bowler is looking down the pitch, whilst the batsman is looking at exactly where Dalrymple has just had to move to pick up his bat. Probably would have made no difference, but still funny.

What exactly was mean? Colly gave JD a look for about 2 seconds, and then walked. Pretty justified really, as I said I'm sure he'll buy him a pint and they'll have a laugh about it later.

For NZ if they can get on top of the likes of Mahmood, Plunkett and Panesar, then they could feasibly run away with it, but if a few of them bowl well (and I agree Irottev that Plunketts the most likely in the conditions) then they could wrap things up quickly.

Time to head back downstairs...
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Didn't I say that each team should be playing at thier best no holds bar and hold onto catchs? Didn't they hear me?? lol!

Yea great 2nd ball from Bond, and it was good for Eng that got as much as they did at least. Will they drop any?

Oh and at least Thommo had a nice round arm action, unlike todays top speed fast bowlers who seem to throw the ball to a degree, in my opinion..
siddharth2002 said:
Well they did get 270, Bond getting a bit over-excited there, gonna be a good chase though.

That last Bond over cost him a bit didn't help when Fulton dropped a catch, if not for that I would say I would have been right :p. Anyway in for a real good run chase here.
I don't know much about what happened as I am not watching the game but either way Colly should be expecting any kind of delivery from Bond. On the NZ side of things, Fleming and Styris hold the key, they are the main batsmen in NZ line-up me thinks.

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