Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

He really is going to some effort!!
Lol I think it's real people voting for him after reading his reviews everywhere.
I dread to think how many fake emails he used

You gotta give it to the bugger... he's one persevering bastard. Looks like he hasn't even played the game, and doesn't even intends to, but just wants to see his teams at the top for some weird reason.
He really is going to some effort!!

Might want to re-check that algorithm if it's actually implemented yet - his teams are definintely showing up high

Here's one thing I would add to the algorithm... check the teams are linked appropriately - at the very least national teams.


Saw one of his ids that says chunnster_lives_on

@Ross may want to upgrade his security monitoring system coz the guy looks a wee bit unbalanced to me.
Even if the team is linked correctly, the players aren't.

That is to be expected. If Chunnster can't get the teams spot on, asking him to do so for the players is well nigh impossible :D

I wanted to keep the algorithm simple by not going to the player level as knowing Chunnster, he would fail the "Team Linking" test itself.
Erm, I've not been here very long so don't really know what's going on with this chunnster thing (some kind of troll messing around with the ratings?) but I've seen some suggestion of deleting low-rated teams. Please don't do that, as I've uploaded a few teams for my friends and me to use and for whatever reason they've been voted down (not sure why mine specifically were targeted, out of the dozens of others sitting on 3 stars). I spent quite a lot of time compiling what I felt to be the best creations and even more time editing those when I didn't think they were up to scratch so it'd be annoying to have that deleted. I suppose I could just re-upload them, but wouldn't any self-respecting troll do the same?
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Its the combination that he is fiddling with the ratings, uploading others work and claiming that it his own, and the fact they're all linked incorrectly. It should just be an isolated case.
Erm, I've not been here very long so don't really know what's going on with this chunnster thing (some kind of troll messing around with the ratings?) but I've seen some suggestion of deleting low-rated teams. Please don't do that, as I've uploaded a few teams for my friends and me to use and for whatever reason they've been voted down (not sure why mine specifically were targeted, out of the dozens of others sitting on 3 stars). I spent quite a lot of time compiling what I felt to be the best creations and even more time editing those when I didn't think they were up to scratch so it'd be annoying to have that deleted. I suppose I could just re-upload them, but wouldn't any self-respecting troll do the same?

We won't be deleting any teams, including his. We do take manipulation of ratings seriously and will discount those votes and links that are not "correct".
^ Thanks for that.

Also, not related to chunnster but to do with uploaded teams, does anyone know why some players/teams have their names listed as "censored"? I just downloaded the Associate team and it was called "A-Censored".
Sometimes peoples names/teams have naughty words in them, Sexton for example, De Kock another :p, I could go on.
Probably been mentioned before but just to let you know I've just downloaded mrdconnors current England team and Stuart Broad is misspelled "Suart."
If you believe a name censored that shouldn't be then let me know. We had the classic Essex etc...

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