Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

Realise I haven't been posting many updates, but I am still working through the county kits. Got about 5 teams kits to finish off now and 7 lots of players (trying to include bats too, but I'm sure someone will make some better quality ones than I have so far).

Hate to break it to you all, but the county kits will all change come next season in England. Kent's will as they've stayed the same for the last 2 years
Hate to break it to you all, but the county kits will all change come next season in England. Kent's will as they've stayed the same for the last 2 years

Aware of that, counting on minor changes to most teams. Most of the sponsor assets will be the same as the majority are long terms deals. I just wanted county kits to play with on release!
county new kits though will come out any time between soon (I think yorkshire's is out this/next week) and about may!
Aware of that, counting on minor changes to most teams. Most of the sponsor assets will be the same as the majority are long terms deals. I just wanted county kits to play with on release!
Kent's will completely change I can assure you. The Spitfire kit is changing
Well I hope the new kits aren't quite as detailed as the current ones!
Samurai always do interesting kits to say the least. However, can you save the Kent team as Kent 2016 please. I LOVE the spitfire edition kit. I got Rabada's one!;):saf:
I don't know if anyone has seen this but in my created players none of them have the bat logos that I assigned them previously on an earlier version. bit if a pain of these are gone, or could it just be something that's there but just isn't active?
We've identified an issue with previous bats that had logos on them, this will be fixed and restored in the next update.
Hey guys! iv'e seen some of the work you have been putting in with the created bats and players and they all look awesome. I'm currently using a Mac so i can't download the academy so i was wondering if anyone could give this bat a try? i've been using it for about 6 years no so would love to see it in game

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