Cricket 19 General Discussion

Yes they are so easy to hate, the job title comes with so much arrogance

I don’t think anyone is arrogant of being a beta tester and giving up their free time to help produce a better game for all.

I think what it does do though, is the little extra insight we were given in the past highlights how much rubbish is spoken in these threads even more!


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I'm sure I read somewhere that beta testers have to sit in front of their computers all day and press the same button over and over. After every 100 presses, they are rewarded when a little door in their computer opens, and they have a few seconds to grab a lump of cheese.

It's a hard life.
A lump of charcoal, not cheese
In the scenario mode, I would like to create an England versus South Africa world cup 1992 semi-final. I want to beat the English. That D/W system or calculation was brutal :noway
In the scenario mode, I would like to create an England versus South Africa world cup 1992 semi-final. I want to beat the English. That D/W system or calculation was brutal :noway
yeah set it at 22 runs off 7 balls we can get that!
I’m sure I’d fail the personality tests...
Reminds me of one of my favourite lines on Mock The Week from Frankie Boyle:
Letters to agony aunts:

Dear bitch I have trouble making friends; what the feck are you going to do about it?
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Nice to hear a little more from MattW on the scenario editor. Despite having spent possibly around 91% of my time in all previous BA DBC and Ashes cricket games in career mode, the new scenario editor sounds like a great innovation. We will obviously have to wait before we get an idea of exactly what we can do with it but, if well executed, it could be a lot of fun. I do hope that we can edit more than just team names and match position to better recreate the match rules as they were at the time. I am not expecting to be able to faithfully reproduce the scenario of John Small coming in to bat for Hambleton to hit the winning runs in that enthralling third game against Chertsey in the 1764 season but I would imagine many of us will be looking back several decades to relive some of the great matches we watched, listen to, read about or followed ball-for-ball on CEEFAX (for those who have never heard of CEEFAX it was to Cricinfo Live Coverage what Pong was to Grand Theft Auto V).

I don't know how the scenario editor will handle the changes to rules, aesthetics, equipment and cricket grounds for just, say, the last 40 years, let alone earlier. I suspect that it won't cover everything that would really allow us to recreate those great moments in cricketing history that form so much of a causal link as to why many of us have ended up here at PC. That said, I hope there is enough there to give us an engaging time trying to rewrite or emulate great games of the past...rather than just having the ability to replay some instantly forgettable T20 match.
Yeah, but is May out?

To be vaguely relevant to the thread,

You can set up scenarios based on elements besides just the result, and we'd certainly look at expansions to what's in there already if people find that they aren't able to make the scenarios they want with the options that are there.

And as I think I saw someone asking - yes, there will be some provided scenarios built in for you to play, in addition to ones you can create or download.
@MattW Many thanks for the extra details on scenario mode.

Any chance you can confirm if this mode will allow online co-op? I think it's something that could take replayability to another level as well as being another great selling point :)

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