Cricket 19 General Discussion

Having read many pages back, it seems to repeat the same attack BA and defend BA from similar people again and again.

More so than even the mods and admins, the most innocent parties to me are the people like mani82ua, who're reporting issues in a very fair and unemotive manner which may be useful to Big Ant in rectifying them, if not in the Day 1 patch, then perhaps in a follow-up. Surely it has to be a good thing to have issues reported now, whether it's pre-day one patch or not?

yes and no...

there is an argument that if you know you're playing a version that is not technically the "release" version, reporting issues now that may have already been fixed will take up resources (in terms of people BA reading the posts and trying to replicate) that could be spent fixing other issues that are present and not yet fixed.

if your find issues now, i'd say better to note them personally and see if they're still present after the day one patch and then report...[DOUBLEPOST=1558622752][/DOUBLEPOST]
I was with you until e.


turquoise lettering, good man...
i might have got it wrong, but wasn't there a video out there with some online play? did you see it - what did you think?

my view on this, as someone who's liked bits of every cricket game BA has produced and loathed bits of every cricket game BA has produced and had big (BIG) issues with their community engagement is:

a) technically they haven't released the game yet. pressing the discs isn't releasing the game.
b) we know there's gonna be issues... but most of what i've seen in the vids so far has been broadly promising
c) i'm hopeful the game will be better on tuesday when we get to play it
d) if stats don't track properly i'm gonna have a shit-fit
e) vote Brexit Party.

How you can vote Brexit party and be a fan of accurate stats is beyond me!
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Also, I hope my posts don’t get mixed up with the posts lacking confidence in BigAnt. I have been associated with BigAnt (being a customer since don bradman game) long enough to know they go all out in getting the best game available to us and then support it like crazy throughout its life cycle, so I do not lack any confidence in BigAnt to deliver.

My main worry is the messaging that might be getting across to the potential buyers due to the issues being highlighted by the ‘few’ people who bought the game before the release date, without any counter message going out from BigAnt.

Yes there is a huge possibility that once the game is officially released and the patches are available, that there would be loads of videos that will then overcome the negative messaging, but I come from a point of view where I feel if something can be controlled by being proactive then why not control it when you have the chance.
Your posts are great examples of constructive criticism, it does make sense. I really don't know what to say, regarding BA, because as developers and being quite experienced with such games, I do think they clearly know what they are doing.

Though Matt (as part of BA) did comment on this and a patch was made available as soon as the 'early buyers' got the game. Do agree that maybe a community message by BA on Twitter would have helped, maybe? Anyway, it is something that I can't make up my mind about.
Wading in on the day one patch thing.

Day One patches are produced as games go "Gold" (discs printed and ready for distribution) weeks in advance. But the developers will continue to work on the game up until launch to produce the optimal launch version of the game.

Some developers may discover bugs that were missed in initial QA testing (it happens to the best devs) and will fix them, sometimes balance tweaks are made, and sometimes additional features are added which may not have fit on the disc.

The day one patch is an essential in modern gaming whether people like it or not, and they serve a good purpose, so don't be slamming BA for including one, and be thankful the game is live before the patch is released (unlike some games)
Just got an email from The Game Collection and they will be dispatching the game tomorrow. So hopefully we should have the game on Saturday.
Were are the 'people' who were saying it won't break street date in England?
Any ideas/thoughts on why the PC release will be delayed till after the consoles?

All games are made on a PC, then ported to the console, so why delay? They will also get far more console sales than PC (thats just the way the market is), so it cant be to boost sales by holding the best selling platform back.

I would have thought they wanted to fully cash in on World Cup fever by getting it out on all platforms at the same time - but appears not.

Some talk of the PC release being delayed by weeks if not months which would be bizarre.


Pretty common thing in the industry. PC = pirating. By giving consoles an exclusive time period they can help sales.

Hell, GTA V had like a 2 year window before it hit PC.
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There's a bank holiday on Monday, so depending on how quick the delivery is, even if it is dispatched tomorrow some people might not get it until Tuesday.
I know, I saw a few posts about it. Point was such things do lead to breaking of street date, it is just circumsatnces. My comment was for a certain user said, such things don't happened in places like the UK...
I won't even be here a lot after the game is released, that's how good BA has been for me whenever they release a new game. I enjoy it a lot, and do come and post about some bugs sometimes, so it can be fixed!
There's a bank holiday on Monday, so depending on how quick the delivery is, even if it is dispatched tomorrow some people might not get it until Tuesday.
The game wont come before tuesday. More likely after tuesday if ordering, digital is the better option if you want it as soon as its available (also pre-load it to save time)
Pre ordered on game collection UK looking forward to some great community mods from waste, lllewellyn, blockerD and all modders

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