Cricket 19 General Discussion

I did have something to say regarding bug reporting! Can we have a team at PC Forums, where this team takes all the bugs that are reported more often, and help send a ticket regarding them to the BA Ticket System? Just feel it'll be a bit more organised.
@Snowy @Dutch @wasteyouryouth @Llewelynf!
I did have something to say regarding bug reporting! Can we have a team at PC Forums, where this team takes all the bugs that are reported more often, and help send a ticket regarding them to the BA Ticket System? Just feel it'll be a bit more organised.
@Snowy @Dutch @wasteyouryouth @Llewelynf!
I would suggest that every single bug, every single fix-needing has been minutely recorded in the form of very detailed spreadsheets: it is purely in the hands of BA in how far they can dedicate resources to fix those things.
I did have something to say regarding bug reporting! Can we have a team at PC Forums, where this team takes all the bugs that are reported more often, and help send a ticket regarding them to the BA Ticket System? Just feel it'll be a bit more organised.
@Snowy @Dutch @wasteyouryouth @Llewelynf!

Honestly.. everything that has been said and more is already fed back.

The help desk is probably even less direct.
Some small changes can make TEST cricket in the game way better in next patch.

- When lights are on there should be 4 shadows even if its in day time with cloudy conditions. This will make TEST cricket very realistic underlights

- They should set the parameter that ball swings more in cloudy conditions.

- More turns on dry and dusty pitches ( if not only in Asia if they cant set differently for Asian grounds)

- Automatic Replay after ball misses the bat and LBW appeal

many small things that can be done via programming but these few things will make TEST cricket very realistic
Good day guys,
I have noticed that now most of my edges just fall short of the fielders. I have my bounce at 38. And on a medium hardness pitch my edges drop short of slips even though I out my slips up. If I put pitch bounce above 38 it's just bounces unrealistically. A good length ball is supposed to hit the stumps on a medium pitch. Please any suggestions?
Good day guys,
I have noticed that now most of my edges just fall short of the fielders. I have my bounce at 38. And on a medium hardness pitch my edges drop short of slips even though I out my slips up. If I put pitch bounce above 38 it's just bounces unrealistically. A good length ball is supposed to hit the stumps on a medium pitch. Please any suggestions?

Try upping the Min and Max Pace Slider. It'll help with the carry.
Good day guys,
I have noticed that now most of my edges just fall short of the fielders. I have my bounce at 38. And on a medium hardness pitch my edges drop short of slips even though I out my slips up. If I put pitch bounce above 38 it's just bounces unrealistically. A good length ball is supposed to hit the stumps on a medium pitch. Please any suggestions?
I have my pace sliders at 60 min and 70 max with pitch bounce at 40. Play mostly on medium pitches and no problems with ball carry[DOUBLEPOST=1566490743][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyone know what the pitch report was on the real ashes test today?
I would suggest that every single bug, every single fix-needing has been minutely recorded in the form of very detailed spreadsheets: it is purely in the hands of BA in how far they can dedicate resources to fix those things.
Oh. I am happy to know that they indeed are aware of the issues. I do sincerely hope some big ones can be fixed, I love the game as is already.[DOUBLEPOST=1566490807][/DOUBLEPOST]
Honestly.. everything that has been said and more is already fed back.

The help desk is probably even less direct.
Good to know. One can hope that the game gets even better.
I think thats back of the hand slow ball, just check the movement of the ball, if rotation is forward thats back of the hand.. And slow ball trigger is lowering the pace..[DOUBLEPOST=1566457101][/DOUBLEPOST]
I dont think so..

View attachment 226135
Inswinger beating the bat beautifully.. Only game where you enjoy the way you are dismissed..
Would love a dismissal not via catching! What's your bowler quality at? Might need to up that as mine's currently 60 on Vet difficulty.
I just had a 'logo corruption error' So I re-downloaded everything again, I chose 'the best'. Started playing again, training, and it happened again. Am I doing something wrong or is there a better way of downloading?

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