Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Or we just live our lives, wait a week and play the game.

It amazes me the want and need for a trailer, it never represents what the game is actually like.

IGN gameplay normally does more harm than good.
it would come by Monday.Only game I ever preordered without seeing actual gameplay because we trust bigant though they failed in some tennis games.
Or we just live our lives, wait a week and play the game.

It amazes me the want and need for a trailer, it never represents what the game is actually like.

IGN gameplay normally does more harm than good.
Shameless plug.....

If anyone is bored for the next week and wants to pass time in a different way, come chat about sliders and pitches with me instead:

Spoiler - there's more than a few super long and boring detailed posts to wade through.

If nothing else, read along and it'll help you sleep for a week....
Definitely felt as though I found a decent balance towards the end for Test matches and although that meant manually changing things (reduced swing throughout the innings, more spin etc) it certainly made for more enjoyable matches. I even picked up a tip from someone on here as well, can’t remember the name sorry, but it was to increase the wicket chance in the AI’s 2nd innings and that made a huge difference, or at least I felt like it did. Only by about 5 on the slider, but it stopped the Ai constantly chasing 350/400 odd in the 4th innings. I took this a little further as well and increased the wicket chance by 5 at the start of an innings or when I took the new ball, only for 5 overs, but it gave me that feeling of, I really need to make the most of this new ball.

I think knowing the limitations of the game and not expecting it to do something it couldn’t, i.e. a catch at mid on (@blockerdave I feel your pain) then it became more enjoyable as well. For example, I just stopped putting a bat pad in for spinners altogether, this way when I did manage to get a wicket with a spinner, it was earned, not just a looping catch off someone’s boot, which actually made me want to drop it on purpose.

Throughout the last month and from keeping an eye on this thread, I think it’s fair to say that a lot of people have a different idea as to what would make Cricket 22 a great game, but ultimately, cricket is so different to other sports that it is impossible to please us all, some want edges to first slip, while others would like fireworks for a six….. Big Ant is so close to nailing it and by getting certain animations smoother/cleaner/ better etc that would be big step, but I think it’s a bit like, we’ve (BA) given you the tools, now it’s over to you (the player) to make the game suit you.

Not too sure where this ramble came from, the other half is packing to go away so i’m possibly just doing my best to ‘keep busy’, but fingers crossed for next Thursday, happy gaming all
Tim Paine standing down as Aussie captain may throw some things on its head!!
Didn't BA had to make last minute changes to their previous titles due to the Ben Stokes incident and the Sand paper incident?
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