Thread of the Month March 2018
For me the gameplay is everything. I have nearly 900 hours Tennis Elbow 2013, which looks like THIS:Did you say you didn’t play 19? Even if 22 is EXACTLY the same gameplay. It’s a good experience

I play it so much because it's:
1) a fairly close simulation of real tennis
2) a good challenge on the higher difficulties
3) FUN
While the Cricket 19 gameplay is good and I've had a lot of enjoyment in it (300 hours on Steam but a lot of that was beta testing), after 2 and a half years I've become a bit tired of some of the predictable "quirks" in the gameplay. I was really hoping the new game would add big improvements to things like AI batting, ball and pitch physics, weather etc. I'll obviously reserve judgement until the full game is released but it's hard not to be a little disappointed with how similar the game-play looks to Cricket 19 at the moment.
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