Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)


I know quite a few have raised a ticket for this so not going to raise another one and clog the system, but was wondering if it is being considered to make the AI bowl according to their fields? Currently if a right handed bowler is bowling over the wicket to a left handed batsman (in tests atleast) they seem to continue bowling towards the leg with just 2 fielders manning that area. It just makes scoring too easy! The game changes completely when they go around the wicket as then they start bowling on and outside the off-stump with an occasional delivery on the leg. Can the same be done when they are bowing over the wicket with a 7-3 field? Basically ai bowlers can have more awareness of which side the field is packed and bowl according to it. If they still get smashed all over and get their confidence down then maybe they can start spraying the ball all over and be taken off the attack.

Also, maybe you can follow Wealy’s experiment (along with a few other guys here) where they are getting much better gameplay variation after tinkering around with the player abilities. Maybe that can be brought into the default gameplay itself via a patch if it seems to be giving out better and varied gameplay experience (which is what makes cricket a joyful sport).
Hey guys I just got the game as a present on PS4.

First time I played it was yesterday I’m a bit disappointed actually I was excited by them bringing in BBL but it’s not the best in regards too you can’t take the power surge they only give it to you in the last 2 overs and the X Factor well there doesn’t seem to be one does anyone know how to fix this? When I set off for a run as well but wanna cancel it half the time the batsmen keeps running towards the other end whilst the other doesn’t move causing 2 batsmen to be up the one end and a run out. Visuals are a bit disappointing too. I don’t really see any improvements on cricket 19.

To me the game has a little bit of a DB17 feel about it.
Welcome to Cricket 22... oh you're in for a treat because you haven't experienced even a small fraction of all the issues C22 has to offer. You know a game is in a sad state when someone who has been almost addicted to playing C19 now doesn't even get excited about a new patch because you're less excited about what it's going to fix and more afraid of what it's going to break.

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a brilliant game underneath all the bugs and issues. It feels as though all the intentions and ideas were good, but the actual implementation and execution of the ideas weren't as good. So it needs a lot of polishing before it is up to the standard that we had all hoped for when pre-ordering the game.

I mean if I get home and eventually decide to go into C22 to see what the latest patch has fixed and it crashes while loading the first match you want to play and you decide to play Farming Simulator 22 instead then you know there is something seriously wrong with the game. When driving up and down on a tractor is more exciting than playing a game of cricket then it says a lot about C22. But, like all of us here, we are trying our best to cling on to the little bit of hope that the game will get sorted out properly before it is too late. We have been loyal to BAS and we've been supporting them for years and we have amazing people in this community who do great work in creating teams, players and uniforms and who do a lot of testing to give feedback and work out what the best setup is with sliders etc to get the very best experience out of the game, so we have faith that we will have a decent cricket game within the next few months. It looks a lot more promising since @MattW has been getting more involved here, so there is hope I reckon...
@MattW Played dbc14 yday, shot power on ideal is consistent for every shot, and whatever shot I have in my mind it triggers the same animation in the game, in cricket 22 why is it so hard after these many patches to get these 2 things right, this is unacceptable really, eg, I play a cut shot with ideal timing power is weak and never travels consistently, also it triggers late cut animation randomly, the same problem is with pull and flick they occur randomly, playing cricket 22 doesn't feel you have the control while batting, everything is random.
Is there a way to play as team in bbl and other modes instead of manually skipping other team games. I believe cricket 19 had this feature in hundreds atleat
Max speed is the ball physics - so it makes it so a ball is bowled at a higher real speed for the sake of physics of bowling. Bowling visual speed basically is like just fast forwarding or slowing down the visual, without adjusting the actual physics. Previously it was slightly changing both on the same slider, but we felt it better to separate them, and then it's just a matter of preference as to what aspect of bowling speed you're wanting different. I think for most just changing visual speed is the better option.

Yes, it's being worked on, and noted previously fielding and running between wickets are focus areas, and there should be improvements to both in the next update.
Plz add to fix overpowered slog shots in upcoming patch . It was correct before last and 2nd last patch. Right now it's way unrealistic and even with ideal timing, ball goes way up like touching sky and catch out in inner circle. Something wrong with ball trajectory point of view after shot being played with ideal timing. It's really annoying so kindly check.
Mainly removing batting skills from bowlers and vise versa, Assigning skills and perks according to real life, Reducing special shots skills etc.
Are you able to see improvement in slog shots like at moment ideal timing shot trajectory sometime ok and most of time it goes up touches sky and catch out in inner circle
Online is a mess now was great a few patches ago. Cricket 22 Bigger better bugs then ever before lol
I'm not sure if I'm just missing something obvious or there is an issue in Career Mode...any guidance welcome. So, I've made it out of club cricket and am playing First Class cricket for Durham. I then got selected for T20 also. Now on the main career screen is says that there are 122 days to my next match (which I think is a reference to the start of the T20 competition). Although I can see the First Class matches on the calendar and, if I progress the days, it will start the next First Class match, I can't access any information about the First Class just shows the blank table for the, as yet, unstarted T20 competition. How do I swap between competitions for standing information?

Also nice to see MattW back posting.
Did you get the AI scoring at 5 rpo on default too?

I've spent countless hours on past games editing skills and tweaking sliders to find the perfect game but there are things that I think can only (and should) be adjusted effectively by Big Ant. I've never been interested in making slider changes until I've lost all hope of the game getting better or I'm testing something specific.

When it comes to reskilling, if I continue sharing teams I don't want to do that the 4000+ players that are on the game; doing it selectively will potentially throw off people's career modes. If other people want to do that then go ahead but I've been down that rabbit hole. The intersection of skills and performance has long been a problem but reskilling is like throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping something sticks. Identifying the problems in the base game, highlighting them - repeatedly if necessary - is the only way that this game and future games will improve.

Bowler's stamina doesn't seem to be impacted by bowling. I'd hope that is something that Big Ant can adjust and it will have a game wide impact. That's probably going to be quicker than going through each player to change it.
If batters hit sixes too far, I'd hope that is something that Big Ant can adjust and it will have a game wide impact.

Experiencing the game on default is, in my opinion the best way to pick up on the issues and lay out what needs to be fixed. That's my attitude for this game anyway. Doing that for pitches like you are makes more sense cause those values can be adjusted. But are Big Ant going to deskill all players?

I've always been someone who wants the out of the box game to be improved. I've zero interest in changing sliders every day of a test match, or having different sliders for different formats. If people want to put that effort in, that's a great option the game allows. I never remember anyway. I played a load of T20s on Cricket 19 using a slider setting @Ed Smith shared for test cricket. It was great for the first 10 overs, then you get to the point the where the AI doesn't accelerate. So, how do I find a setting that takes something that is 50% good and 50% not as good and improve it?

The game's been out a month and it's clearly not been an ideal release. Looking at the patch notes, I don't think gameplay has really been touched. Like I said it was 90% good, the problem is the 10% has an outweighed influence. That gives me some hope that the improvements needed might be possible.
I completely subscribe to your view on the Problems , as we Cannot "fix" alot of the underlying issues with Sliders etc. if you exclusively play online only, hence its all in the Hands of BA to Correct the issues on a Global Scale.
Does the community still crashes?, Haven't been able to use the community features yet because of the crashes
You know the game is broken when England don’t play a spinner - yet don’t bowl Root or Malan the whole match - and Labuschagne bowls 22 overs
Different people work on different things - so unless we just fix things and then hold back a batting fix because we're doing a fielding fix, that wouldn't be possible. Obviously the intent is never to have things be 'broken', and a lot of the time after an update people have a game where they experience things that have been in the game for a while and think they are new.

Changing cameras is always a difficult one - as for some any change made might ruin how they like it. Which of the broadcast cams are you referring to?

Which spot are you talking about here for setting host?

Possibly, but as I think people would understand, the full focus from those who work on the Academy side of things is to resolve the ongoing issues with downloads and so on.
Broadcast 1 for bowling
View attachment 261358
You know the game is broken when England don’t play a spinner - yet don’t bowl Root or Malan the whole match - and Labuschagne bowls 22 overs
It drives me insane when you are a batting all-rounder and the captain decides to bring you into the attack on a hard deck to bowl spin in the 6th over on day 1 of a test match and end up bowling more overs than the actual bowlers in the team. In one first class match the AI had two spinners bowling within the first 10 overs of the match. The opening blower gets 2 or 3 overs to start off the day's play, then the spinners come on...

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