yea because of the piracy and limited PC gamers in quantity but console user base is much higher and game developers has the choice to charge them high because of the inability to pirate games on consoles. But for PC gamers they charge it low so as to get whatever money they can extract from the limited PC gamers with good morals ,
See it like this ,
If a person lives in a country and has a choice the to go to local burger shop (Pirated Games) which makes as tasty burgers as KFC and Mc Donalds (Original Games) , Then KFC and Mc Donalds will not charge him the premium in order to convince him to eat at their restaurant infact they might gave him a discount and will charge almost equal to that local burger shop or slightly higher. (PC gaming world)
However in a country where the local burger shop serves shitty burgers (No Pirated Games available) and the person has no available alternative , KFC and Mc Donalds will charge as much as they like for the same burger they serve in previous country (Console gaming world)