Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Not sure if anyone has noticed it, but there seems to be some fps drop on console. Anyone who owns the nets in PS5 can tell if it's the case? I know it's pre built and might not be an issue during the game day but wanted to be sure...
Preordered cricket 22 digital so finger crossed for Nov 25. I enjoyed ashes cricket lot more than cricket 19. Don't know why but I couldn't really get in to it likes ashes cricket. and dbc14 on which I had over 300 steam hours ..
That’s the first time I’m not that exciting for new cricket game because I love cricket19 I play more then hundred test match on that game still love it too much big thanks to bigant
That’s the first time I’m not that exciting for new cricket game because I love cricket19 I play more then hundred test match on that game still love it too much big thanks to bigant
I'm the opposite if I'm honest, the last patch really killed career mode in cricket 19. Looking forward to C22.
I find myself not bothered at all by C22. But I reckon that's because I'm on holiday on release day :D
Similarly not been too excited due to a combination of no Beta, I’ve been insanely busy so no time to play even if I had it, and no ps5 and not wanting to buy it on 4
Looks like hardly anyone is excited for the game from the comments. The post count though keeps increasing by several pages every day - quite strange :spy quite a lot of effort to show disinterest, one must say
Preordered cricket 22 digital so finger crossed for Nov 25. I enjoyed ashes cricket lot more than cricket 19. Don't know why but I couldn't really get in to it likes ashes cricket. and dbc14 on which I had over 300 steam hours ..
You have a good taste.
Though I have a Year end planning meet on 25th and 26th and inspite of the fact I just recently moved home, I will still be playing the game on Day 1. I'm just thrilled and excited for the game. Cricket games gives me extreme happiness.
What did they change? I just started playing Career mode.
Just small things that add up. Mainly new generated players, their overall ratings got scrambled, some went from 70 to 11, others were at 25. Made the game unbearable when your team went from being decent to 7XI club standards. Felt like player progression of AI players just got straight up murdered. Its broken, no other way to put it. Haven't touched the game since.

Edit: Academy wise got funky with the DLC as well, some graphical glitches rose up that never got fixed on default heads for sculpting. Not to mention all the playfaced players got reverted to default after that 100 patch, then you couldn't use said playfaces unless you restarted your career (much like how downloading a new squad works), which is stupid when you're eleven years into a career.

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