Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

couldn't agree more mate, was about to post this when i chanced upon this suggestion... once Shirt name & jersey number have been given by us, we should be able to see it when we rotate the figure to see its back side. If original shirt name is too lengthy, perhaps nick-name could be placed over there as a demo.

Of course they will show in the full game... this is a restricted beta of cricket academy.


Really wish I could remove the many Zermurd2013's entries, no one is voting for his work! :lol:
Am I missing any files after installation??
Ross, it'll be helpful if there is a way to see the newer creations first, else some great new creations will go unnoticed because it's too deep down the list. Also the list is growing rapidly, so it's really time consuming to find newer creations.

The "rising" tab is the latest 24 hours of additions.

We are going to add some more search and sort functionality in a soon to be released patch (probably this Friday, if not Monday).
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We are going to add some more search and sort functionality in a patch soon to be released patch (probably this Friday, if not Monday).
I'm tempted to edit your post to say next-Wednesday so you can be early and not have thousands of complaints about Friday not meaning 9:01am Melbourne time.
We are going to add full Academy functionality in a patch soon to be released (probably this Friday, if not Monday).

I'm tempted to edit your post to say next-Wednesday so you can be early and not have thousands of complaints about Friday not meaning 9:01am Melbourne time.

I'm tempted to edit his post as per the above :spy
I'm tempted to edit your post to say next-Wednesday so you can be early and not have thousands of complaints about Friday not meaning 9:01am Melbourne time.

Probably should have but I like to put my guys under pressure! :D

As last time, it would be late on the Friday, not 9:01!!
Dear Big Ant:

I was vocally (textually?'s a forum) critical of your preview images, but I'm quite happy to eat some humble pie right now. So incredibly impressed with the player-creator, I'm man-enough to admit when I got it wrong... and guys, I got it wrong. The brief glimpse I had at the few accessories in the player editor is quite impressive. You've seemed to get the basic issues of the original designs well and truely ironed out. I think a bit more work needs to be done on the shirt collar (still seems a bit too large and comic-like) but this is a player-editor, so I won't focus too much on that.

Few suggestions:

  • Beard Options
    You've got a whole bunch of comedy-beard options, but where are the FASHION choices. I'm a man who likes a good, close-trim beard. Couldn't find an option in there for that. Perhaps that would be a good addition - or splitting the beard category into Mo, Chin and Sideburn categories so people can mix/match themselves perhaps?
  • Glasses Options
    Definately need some more options here too, where are some nice thick-rimmed fashion spectacles for us four-eyed folk? Perhaps a few more options there would be nice...
  • Other Thoughts
    Only spent 30mins playing around, but the combinations are MIND-NUMINGLY huge, again, I'm man-enough to put my hand on my heard and say my early criticism was totally unfounded. You've got this player editor 100% spot on - a ridiculous amount of custom-creation options just for face alone.

In short; Time for me to head back to the bathroom to stare in the mirror and get the specific dimensions of my Philtrum match-accurate...

EDIT: Oh, one small bug - I have to Alt-Tab on my machine to bring up mouse functionality. It's nothing huge, but upon opening the editor the mouse is unresponsive, alt-tab fixes it. I'm using an HP Pavilion dV6 Notebook with all the trimmings...
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I have downloaded CA but when open its just flashes then does not come on ANY IDEA ????
Ross, had a graphical glitch while using the Arm Guard. The strap overlaps the gloves half way in and half way out.
Ross, can you eye up/down positioning in the future updates of CA. Currently only side ways postioning is possible. That little feature will help alot in creating realistic looking models.
I agree with many casual beard between normal beard and stubble is needed and more shades of hair please...
Not a biggie, but the password used for registering online is saved in plain text :p

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