Cricket Academy Now Available

See and I could have just Google it and saved myself the embarrassment...

So I remembered it completely wrong. One imagines it's not the only one of my GCSR subjects I've got utterly ass backwards in the intervening period.

Let's just check- Mozambique still won WW2, right?
Fantastic to notice this massive leap in terms of graphics, hope it only gets better. Great going.
In the My Player list there are the columns for rating, handedness etc and hopefully teams will be added soon, with that in mind would it be possible to add mentality to the list? I think it would make it easier when assigning players to teams.
Dam it. My laptop is tooo old to run new academy.

Will have to wait until December when its released in UK on PS4 to use it .
Looking again at the academy in a bit more detail on the train home, I note when searching for teams that there was no multi generation teams in the set of "on disc" players.

I do hope the multi generational aspect is not lost. I've played almost exclusively with 80s and earlier or ATB teams

I hope so too.

On this note, I really hope that there is some "apply all" button for different kit elements, or perhaps a "apply random within X generation."

The problem on the previous game was that the default equipment was modern stuff. To make a historical team you had to go through every player and change their bad, pads, helmet, gloves etc to make them old school. Being able to set a team default would be nice, and then you could make players diverge from that if you wanted.
There'll be historical teams/equipment in the new game.

There was the use team kit option in the old game, which was the default for created players. It didn't cover bats, but that should have been the only thing you'd need to change manually on a player, everything else could be set on a team level.
Finally got a chance to try out the Academy. It's just wonderful! My only two concerns are HAIR! (especially facial hair) and eye balls; the whole model looks so amazing but the eyeball looks flat and lacking depth. Otherwise from UI to possible features everything is amazing :D
Speaking of facial hair, the stubble option is super-realistic. I am a little intimidated by the sheer specificity of body parts though. Need my high school biology textbook here :D (PS: not a complaint)

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