Batting and Bowling Practice ON THE SCG!!!! - now in the Cricket Academy

^ That confirms it. There is going to be helicopter shot and most likely some new shot animations too. They have just not unlocked yet till they have refined it. Anyways, I should start now my CA file breakdowns again to explore more of hidden stuff.
I like how in DBC 17 the ball more or less goes to the area you wanted it to go. In DBC 14 while batting with a leftie, I always ended up playing a square cut when I intended to play a cover drive.
Also love the way fast bowler is hitting the deck. Bowling spin in co-op will be a treat.

P.S: That Francobaldo guy is crazy. BA should think about hiring the guy. Check out the Helicopter (Agricultural) shot mod he made for DBC17.

yeah franco has changed DBC14 for the better... if his mod was available on consoles i think the dbc14 forum would be going wild. and his dbc17 video is really interesting.
There is loads of stuff in the files at the moment that may, or may not, make the final cut. Certainly lots of animation that is yet to be hooked up in game and some that is quite frankly the guys in the office taking the piss (Easter Eggs? Not sure).

This highlights that this is a beta, it's one of the reasons that we need focussed feedback that is particular to the items being iterated.
With the spin bowling controls, when selecting the flight/bounce, some indication of where the maximum you can apply is would help I feel. Currently, if you want max flight or bounce and you go 1 degree past the limit, it deselects the delivery type and you have to do it again.

Maybe lock in the delivery type and let you go past the max until you centre the stick which deselects the delivery? Or have some colour change on the HUD to say when it's at max (doesn't help if people want to play without HUD though).
I liked the way timing the release in DBC14 affected the length of the delivery - this seems to be gone now? It left more room for variety and also error if your timing was off - I'd like to see some awful full tosses/beamers or half-trackers if you got the timing really wrong, especially with low-skilled bowlers.

Maybe it is still there and I'm not noticing it, but I did just try bowling at the marker with different timings and didn't see much change in length if any.
I liked the way timing the release in DBC14 affected the length of the delivery - this seems to be gone now? It left more room for variety and also error if your timing was off - I'd like to see some awful full tosses/beamers or half-trackers if you got the timing really wrong, especially with low-skilled bowlers.

Maybe it is still there and I'm not noticing it, but I did just try bowling at the marker with different timings and didn't see much change in length if any.

If that was the case then almost everything the ball does until it reaches the keeper could be predicted much earlier I suppose and there won't be a delay in ball release during Online gaming. But it was such a nice touch of realism that I doubt BA would have lifted it out of the game.
With the spin bowling controls, when selecting the flight/bounce, some indication of where the maximum you can apply is would help I feel. Currently, if you want max flight or bounce and you go 1 degree past the limit, it deselects the delivery type and you have to do it again.

See the black area and where the arrow stops - that's your indicator of where the maximum is - the edges of that 180 degree area - so in this case, straight up for maximum flight, straight down for maximum bounce. You can go beyond those points - way beyond - but you're not getting ideal flight at the point shown below.

Just to visualise the comparison, this is the point for ideal flight:

View attachment 172537

See the black area and where the arrow stops - that's your indicator of where the maximum is - the edges of that 180 degree area - so in this case, straight up for maximum flight, straight down for maximum bounce. You can go beyond those points - way beyond - but you're not getting ideal flight at the point shown below.
View attachment 172538

Just to visualise the comparison, this is the point for ideal flight:

View attachment 172539
Thanks, I probably should have noticed that myself (as I'm sure most other people did) - I just assumed as it let me go further, it would add to the flight/bounce but it makes sense now you've explained it, especially looking at the HUD again... Seems obvious really and I feel a little silly for posting about it :p.

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