Your Cricket Cricket Club Discussion

bumperty bump.

I only just realised today that the slightly odd coach who I didn't take much notice of down at my cricket club is the chief executive of Leicestershire! I really should pay a bit more attention. Anyway my aims for this seasonnow the years over will be to play as much as possible after my gsces and really work on my pace although with my new Gray Nicholls that I got for xmas that feels like an absolute beast I'm hopeful for my batting too. I hate winter! Plus in our rubbish little intervillage torunament that my side came last in this year I'm getting my cousin down from Lancs and we're taking the trophy :D
2nd Team regular now starting the season, and I'm the only back-up to the first team so I could well make my debut in the EAPL this year which would be pretty good at 17. I hope to play as much 1st team cricket as possible.
i'm starting to get into english county soo much now days..
Good luck Stephen! :D Our season is now a small 3 months away (2 if youre me :p)! :)

Are you sticking with the off-spin this year?

I was going to ask actually (question aimed at everyone):

What does your club do for fundraising ideas? It's an important part of club cricket nowadays, so thought I'd see if I could steal some ideas!

We have so many its untrue.
We didn't do all that many last year, infact I think the only real one we did was the end of season party. We had a a touring side, who played us on the Saturday and Sunday with the party Satuday night, so you can imagine that there were a lot of dead men walking come Sunday! The night involved many games, mainly based on consuming vast amounts of alcohol. ;) I remember we had a Karaoke night 2 or 3 years ago! That was very very very funny.

I think you should share some of your clubs ideas too, seeing as you have so many. ;)
I shall!

We have had:

- 24 hr karaoke marathon
- an annual golf society including 8 events through the year
- summer ball (basically a party in a marque in the square, it bring in shed loads)
- football cards/something similar called the golden key
- carboot sales at our ground
- club funday for local people

The list could go on and on, but Im trying to think of more things. My next idea is a poker tournament.
I might ask for more details another time. ;) We could do with some more fund raising events, we were a tad slack with getting them going last season.

I've completely forgotten who you play for...:rolleyes:
Okay everyone don't laugh, oh no don't wet your pants. Because someone called our club, well it was one of my teammates, called it THE BALLS OF FURY! How bad is that who in there right mind would call there club The Balls Of Fury. Yeah we do have a laugh about every now and than though. Anyway we are located at Claremont Nedlands in WA Perth. We are currently 4th on the Ladder but are creeping up on 3rd spot. We are very economic when it comes to bowling but don't take much wickets. We aren't the fastest run scorers but we are going very well with our batting. Overall we are doing quite well. :)
Well my school start winter nets session's in 3 weeks.

Hopefully I will be picked as captain. My club's net session's don't start for a bit so I'm going to be working hard in the school ones

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