Your Cricket Cricket Club Discussion

Shhh im over my limit online time!!

And nudge is, kind of a shoulder barge which would dislodge a soccer player ;) so a little contact

Why would you barge an umpire!? :p
oh my god, cricket hurts. I no hate losing, originally i didn't care when the team lost and i did well but now i don't. I was batting at 9 as a punishment for a reverse sweep golden duck (don't ask) but when my coach went out to umpire i moved myself up to 7. Made 22* off about 15 balls along with another lad who made 41*. The team however only made 87-5 off 20 overs! So we never should have defended it. This team had 2 Leicestershire players in it. I was brought on when we were in a strong position of 40-4, these were the last 2 batters of any quality ( 1 county) so first over maiden from me, 2nd over 3 wicket maiden. They were 8 down needing 30ish,magically it went down to 7 down. We dropped catches, got complacent and lost. I wasn't continued bowling by the coach after my 3 wicket maiden however and they knocked it off with reasonable ease. Tehn the coach gives us a bollocking for complacency. Erm isn't taking your best bowler off compacency? In other news we have the gayest cricket club in England, i know i had a post deleted in here for homophobia but on this i am deadly serious.
When Simbazz was appealing, the umps raised his finger, then set off on a victory lap round the pitch "Wooing".
Surely you could come up with a better adjective than "gayest".

My B team won our first game this weekend. I took 2 wickets for 13 off 5 overs :D. It was against a team that we got hammered by at the start of the season, so it was a good result. I also scored 4 runs on saturday but got out playing a stupid pull shot to a good length straight ball :P. We are definetly improving though.
No i don't mean gayest as in having anything to do with the performance, there was a lot of homosexuality going on in the field. I am deadly serious
Just thought you like to know an interesting fact about my cricket club :p
There are a million jokes there but I'll save them for another time.

I would expect that some of the tales I could tell would put whatever your team gets up to into perspective. Team sports can do funny things to some people lol
We have loads of gay banter at our club. It happens at pretty much every Sports club, there's always a bit of banter about that sort of thing.
Goes much further than banter :p Almost_Austwick you can't not tell us now, we want gay!

I don't if most of them can be printed on this forum.

However, a great one is the tale of our overseas player one year who persuaded one of our guys to return the favour and spend a season in Oz.

To help smooth the way they decided to send a few photos to the guys mother so that she would know what he looked like (was going to be staying there). The photo that ended up being sent was one of the guys penis with a lit cigarette hanging out the end being caressed by her son.

Compared to a lot that is fairly tame.
LOL, you want a story ill give you a story, but it might be one of those "you had to be there," stories.

Last year we were playing up near the lakes (ask which team and ill give you a two word sentence because i havent got a clue) and our mainline spinner can on and you could obviously tell his kit pants were far to big, so he jogs in and bowls, all is fine. Second ball, third step into his run up approaching the crease his bottoms fall to his ankles and he takes a wicket, unfortunatly it didnt count seeing as the batsman was in hysterics. Oh good times.
LOL ok, congrats you now have the gayest title! We don't quite go as far as smoking with our cocks lol, we're the gayest team in our league though ;)

Simbazz how was it not out? Doesn't the umpire have to call dead ball? for it not to count?

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