Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Heh, most AAA games these days have multimillion pound teams of testers and even they don't seem to manage it!

Hell, your game is already less buggy than any of EA's efforts, although they may also have been made by a man in his basement, or a monkey, or maybe even a goldfish judging by how often the same bugs reappeared :p
@Rohit: No problem :) I agree with you on the bugs issue. The problem is there's just waaay too much for 1 person to test. I do try my best to test everything I can before I upload a new version, but sometimes things just slip through the cracks. I'm trying to get better at it though :)

If things go well I should have a new version up on Friday...

Nope its a 3 men army for your game :) I am playing this game continuously since the last release. There are bugs which I encounter and is been addressed here so need to repeat. I am still testing so as soon as I find any I will address it to you so that we can make it 100% better then EA's game :)

You just do your part of rectifying leave the bug discovery on us :spy :D
Hey mate btw I know how to create custom teams, how to create players but how to create a whole domestic structure? I have mine Irish roster that will be ready in some days and I want a domestic league for them just like Pro40 or Big Bash
Oh, never mind, in continuation to my rep message -

I had it bookmarked anyway... although I'll have to figure out how to use your crazy South African payment methods haha

It's called a debit card dammit! Get in the 21st century :p
@Rohit: Hmm, there's no easy way to create domestic leagues yet - when your roster is ready give me a breakdown of the how the league works and I'll add it. Alternatively I'll take some time out tomorrow to write you a short doc about the domestic league file format.

@puddleduck: Yeah, apologies for that - we don't really have PayPal in SA (long story), so PayFast is the only option at the moment. If you have a credit card you'll be sorted...not sure about debit cards. EFT's should also work.
Exactly he(Kurt) has not selected a credit card or debit card option. Other day I was trying to acknowledge his efforts by seriously contributing some money(even my parents agreed) there was no options of paying money through credit card
Crap, sorry guys, it's linking to the wrong PayFast account! Fixing it up now...



OK - I've updated the download page with the correct payment link. Sorry for the inconvenience guys. Credit/Debit/EFT should all be enabled now.
All done ;)

Will give it a DL on friday and have a proper little bash at it :)

Literally just donated 'cos I like the cut of your jib. Well earned dude, go have a nice cold lager!
I mean I dont have them in the format Cricket Heroes have the excel sheet.

I have in a excel sheet with their bowling and bating averages out of 100. Will it be fine or shall I send you the exact excel CH accepted sheet?
Hmm, I don't know the players too well outside of their 15 (or so) internationals. You can send the spreadsheet as-is and I'll see if I can fill in their attributes over the weekend.
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