Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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AMD X2 Dual Core 3 GHz,
NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT,
Windows 7

I don't think it is specs related since when it works, it works really well. I will keep you updated if I find a pattern to this behavior.
Agreed, your specs are fine. I haven't encountered those issues though - but I only have 1 machine to test with :(

If anyone else is testing please let me know if yoy have the same problems as Pat...
Also, got crashes couple of times before the match began (after the last menu selection screen):

RUN @ 12/30/2012 3:19:05 AM


MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateVersus.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2)
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop()
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args)
Thanks, Pat. Do you remember which teams were playing before it crashed?

India v/s Pakistan.

Had another crash, same teams:
RUN @ 12/30/2012 3:24:41 AM


MESSAGE: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at Cricket.Main.GameStateVersus.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateVersus.cs:line 279
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 11823
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 3285

The batting order/lineup selection is very confusing and comes up multiple times during team selection. Can you please explain how it works? What does the Set button do?
It comes up for each team (2x). SET sets the default lineup and batting order. The AI will use that if set (for the specific format) and for human players it'll highlight the default lineup and batting order (you can still change it before proceeding).
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Hey Kurt, I haven't played this for a while (sorry :( ) but I've been thinking it would be cool if we had a few different bowling technique animations we can assign.
It comes up for each team (2x). SET sets the default lineup and batting order. The AI will use that if set (for the specific format) and for human players it'll highlight the default lineup and batting order (you can still change it before proceeding).

I think for Human players, it should just come once. I think the flow should be something like this:

a. In Team Selection, I select 11 players, save them, if needed, to a file X.
b. In Batting Order screen, after making changes and hitting Save button, the order would be saved in the same file created in the previous step (X). I think over here you should not ask again for a Save slot, it should put the order in the file saved/loaded in step 1.
c. In the same screen (batting order selection), Set button should mark file X as default lineup for the current match format.

Apart from those crashes (and occasional black screens), game works really well. I love the fact that simulations run so fast. The new camera angles are good, but I prefer the earlier dynamic one (it gives an effect like you are watching real cricket broadcast).

One issue I noticed was that Australian domestic sides are marked as International sides and hence Quick ODI matches result in them getting selected.

I have had consistent crashes when getting bowled during net practice, so you might want to look at that.

Will post more later once you figure out what's wrong with India and/or Pakistan :p
@dancingmongoose: When I have funds again I'll get extra animations made :)

@Pat: I found the crash bug - some teams got corrupted. Fixed now. When I fix the other problems I'll upload another update.
Hi guys,

I hate releasing multiple patches a day, but I missed some pretty big bugs that Pat pointed out. v2.09 is now available and should deal with those outstanding bugs. Changelog:

- fixed crash when bowled during net practice
- Australian domestic teams are no longer listed under international
- fixed corrupted team database (Pakistan, India, England)
- added "dynamic" flag to camera config
- adjusted lbw's (umpires stats have more of an effect now)
- changed duration of camera transition



Apologies everyone - if you've just downloaded patch v2.09 please redownload it. I uploaded the incorrect version previously.
Central Districts squad finished.

I'll have to remember not to put Peter Trego in again when I do Somerset though (that's his second squad atm though)
Okay, let's go. Domestic season again:

New South Wales 317 a.o. in 105.5 overs (Henriques 63, Haddin 48, Smith 44, Cutting 3/65, Hauritz 3/108, Feldman 2/48) and 123/4 in 36.5 overs (Maddinson 54, Smith 23, Dawson 21, Gannon 1/9, Hauritz 1/26, Feldman 1/31) def. Queensland 239 a.o. in 83.1 overs (Hartley 68, Khawaja 64, Burns 22, Bollinger 3/35, Hazlewood 3/58, Henriques 2/39) and 200 a.o. in 74 overs (Khawaja 52, Lynn 41, Forrest 18, Smith 2/15, Henriques 2/35, Hazlewood 2/41) by 6 wickets.


And Zampa's still not bowling :/

Bit weird since his bowling is better than Smith.


And I saved my game on the first ball and the game crashed...


That's the error btw

RUN @ 30/12/2012 2:30:27 PM


MESSAGE: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.SaveGame(String filename)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateFileMenu.ProcessSave()
at Cricket.Main.GameStateDialog.ProcessInput(Single ms)
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop()
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args)
btw, what about T20 only players in the domestic leagues which have the same teams for all competitions? Should I just send you a list of the players that are T20 only?
Thanks hedger, I'll track down that bug.

Skip simulates all the matches until you need to play again. Depending on the format and how many teams are selected it could take a while.

Please do send me a list of T20 only players and I'll add the functionality.
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