Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@KingRizzy: You can either attach the image in your post here or you can send it to me in a PM. Failing that, you can email me on kurtkz2 at gmail dot com.
I guess you could have the bowler do the following:

1. choose grip (I could add shining to the ball state menu)
2. choose arm position?
3. push button to start run up
4. press A/B/C to bowl slower/normal/faster

The pitch marker can still be shown for the batsman as the AI can still use the old method to bowl. Or I can just simulate where the ball will bounce...

I think it makes sense to make the AI use the same method to bowl. It will be nearly impossible to bat without a marker. I wonder how Big Ant have implemented batting controls.

Regarding bowling, how would you control amount of swing/spin.

So would it be like:
1. Use arrow keys to determine grip on ball
2. Use arrow keys to determine arm position (for line?)
3. Press A/B/C button to initiate run-up
4. Press A/B/C button to bowl slower/normal/faster BUT the timing of button press determines the length?
Ok here's what i want in my style-

First of all choose the seam position and there will be an option to shine the ball

Then select bowling angle (both arm and run-up)

then choose run-up intensity (lowers stamina while fast and increases pace)

then a button to be pressed to release the ball if late the ball is no-ball & not pressed then bowler doesn't ball the delivery..

The bounce and pace will also depend on the releasing point of the ball (timing bar plz!) :thumbs


also there would be 3 options at seam selection screen-
Normal wrist
Cocked up wrist
Knuckle ball

Cocked up should give extra swing plus bounce/pace(depending upon lenght of the delivery i.e. if full extra pace and short=extra bounce) :thumbs
@Pat & Ashu: Correct, the timing of the release would determine the length of the ball. The quicker it's pressed, the shorter and vice versa. Hmm, I wonder how well that control method would work in practice.
I think it would work great to determine length of deliveries. Not sure about line though.
Agreed - I won't be changing the controls just yet. If someone has any bright ideas about the whole thing would fit together, I'd be happy to tackle it though.
I dont agree coz sometimes if we practically delay the releasing spot too much the ball goes short.... and the other players will feel frustrated while bowling.... ( not me)
I have some ideas in mind to determine line of a delivery. Will jot it down on a piece of paper and share it in a while. I think changing the controls will add a whole new perspective to bowling.

@Ashu: It will not be as difficult as it sounds on paper IMO.
Posted at the same time as Kurt. Ofcourse, you don't want to make the controls difficult that it becomes frustrating for some people. But we can expect that most (majority) of the people playing this game would be hardcore cricket enthusiasts and gamers. One of the biggest gripes with the current bowling system (in all cricket games so far) is that it is way to easy too bowl yorkers and perfect line and length deliveries with any bowler.
Yup that's right pat but we need well written tutorial for that and most players (like me) jump straight into matches rather than wasting time in practice :p


anyways i'd love that bowling system....
EDIT: their career mode sounds very much like a manager style mode. Interesting.

In regards to this Kurt, have you thought about adding more management type stuff to your 'Career' mode? Or maybe adding in some kind of manager mode? As I was playing before I thought it would be good if I could be a team manager or something and be able to run a side, obviously like a cutdown version of Football Manager or something.
management mode is there in full version anyways would love to be the owner of a ipl franchise and then some auction to be held.... Possible? real room auctions....
EDit:concentrate on bowling system 1st... :p
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