Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Thanks markkkkk :) I'm fine and fully recovered. I'm just doing the last bit of dev now and then I'll test and upload the new patch.


Oh - forgot to put up the list of changes so far. If there's something missing or something you'd like added urgently, just let me know:

- fixed screen transitions
- added player heights (for certain players)
- added player international stats
- fixed UI for new font
- tweaked batting
- removed code to prevent use of gamepads
- pitch conditions are shown after venue selection
- fixed extra run runs off wides
- bowlers height has more of an effect on bounce
- changed fonts
- reduced font spacing
- replaced grass texture
- made batting easier
- added get up animation for keeper
- camera swings around for lofted shots near boundary
- fixed crash when requesting ball change
- tweaked bowler selection so part-time bowlers bowl more often (depending on the situation)
- fixed display of spells on bowler selection screen
- fixed bug where some referrals were automatically made in management mode
- fixed minimum bowling speed in career mode
- added Simulate button to ingame screen for career mode
- career mode camera fixes
- unified normal & permissions fix versions
- when fielding in career mode, perfectly timed pickups will dive if the ball can't be reached
- fixed Live Action button in simulation overlay
- reworked timing bar
- fixed crash when playing hook shot
- small bug fixes
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Kurt, in the previous patch, batting against spinner was way too difficult even on Easy level. Has this been tweaked in this patch? I think it should be easier to connect shots (slog as well as ground) when attempting to hit the spinners on the leg side. Most of the times, I end up missing the ball and get LBW.

One more thing: Whenever there is a LBW dismissal, turns out that umpires want to take a look for no-ball. Shouldn't happen every time IMO.
@Dutchad: Will do - I'll double the time again.

@Pat: Are the cross-bat shots the problem? I think I definitely need tweak those. Will do before I release the patch.

@markkkkk: I'm trying to recreate the bug where you can't move the cursor in career mode when bowling. Do you have a saved game for me that I can test?
Kurt: On-drive, flick etc. Should be easier to "connect" those against spinners. At the moment, it's too difficult to connect them, most of the times I miss.

Also, I hope you made note of the crashes I reported. Seems to happen regularly at the end of first innings of a match.

Regarding Auto-save, how does it work? I was playing in career mode, bowling first. The game was simulated except for when I was asked to bowl. I completed by 4 overs (Over numbers 4,6,8 and 14) and the innings ended after I simulated at the end of 14th over. After simulation, the game crashed and when I came back on, I couldn't see any auto-saved games.
Kurt: On-drive, flick etc. Should be easier to "connect" those against spinners. At the moment, it's too difficult to connect them, most of the times I miss.

Also, I hope you made note of the crashes I reported. Seems to happen regularly at the end of first innings of a match.

Regarding Auto-save, how does it work? I was playing in career mode, bowling first. The game was simulated except for when I was asked to bowl. I completed by 4 overs (Over numbers 4,6,8 and 14) and the innings ended after I simulated at the end of 14th over. After simulation, the game crashed and when I came back on, I couldn't see any auto-saved games.

To find an auto-saved game you go resume then auto at the bottom:thumbs
RUN @ 2013/05/06 10:23:52 AM


MESSAGE: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at Resources.Models.AnimatedModel.Render3D(Vector3D rotate, Vector3D translate, Camera camera, String animation, Single frame, Boolean flipX, String prevAnimation, Int32 prevFrame, Single tweenTime)
at Cricket.Main.GameObject.Player.Render(Single ratio, Camera2D camera, Boolean isTest, GameInstance instance)
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Display(Single ratio)
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop()
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args)

Get this error when i play back foot + Z(think its a flick to fine leg)


@Dutchad: Will do - I'll double the time again.

@Pat: Are the cross-bat shots the problem? I think I definitely need tweak those. Will do before I release the patch.

@markkkkk: I'm trying to recreate the bug where you can't move the cursor in career mode when bowling. Do you have a saved game for me that I can test?

Yea i have one
Kurt that depends if you tell me where they are!
Haha, right you are. If you're using the permissions fix version it will be in the saves folder where you unzipped the game. If you're using the normal version it'll be in %APPDATA%\Cricket Heroes\saves.
We can only pray this is right


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