Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@hedger: Excellent feedback! I could make it more difficult to get edges? Hmm, not sure what to do about the 3rd man issue though. The AI tries to spot gaps. I guess I could make it harder to play late cuts?
could this be done by making it easier to get "PERFECT" timing? or should the settled bar increase faster?

I think maybe the settled bar should just start at a higher value, say somewhere between 30-40%. I don't think you need to make it increase faster.

- is 4 overthrows not treated the same as a normal boundary?

No, I'm saying like, for example, AB de Villiers is on strike. He hits the ball, runs a single, then the fielder throws 4 overthrows. It's counted as 5 runs to the total, but AB de Villiers is on strike again, when he should be at the other end.

- make stamina decline slower (is that for batsmen/bowlers?)

Batsman. The bowling stamina is fine :)

The AI tries to spot gaps. I guess I could make it harder to play late cuts?

Yeah, maybe make it a touch harder. Can you make it so the AI realises it's hard to play those shots and will only do it when the ball is in a decent position to. Cause they're just playing late cuts off their body and it's stupid...


I could make it more difficult to get edges?

You could try. Not sure how that would affect the balance but worth a shot and we'll see the results. It could just be that I'm playing against Ireland but idk, lol.
I think maybe the settled bar should just start at a higher value, say somewhere between 30-40%. I don't think you need to make it increase faster.

Cool, let me try it at a slightly lower value first. Maybe something like (10 + batting skill/10)%. Or alternatively (10 + aggressiveness/10)%.

No, I'm saying like, for example, AB de Villiers is on strike. He hits the ball, runs a single, then the fielder throws 4 overthrows. It's counted as 5 runs to the total, but AB de Villiers is on strike again, when he should be at the other end.

Yup, got it. Will fix that up :)

Batsman. The bowling stamina is fine :)

Will fix that up too :) Maybe 25% slower?

Yeah, maybe make it a touch harder. Can you make it so the AI realises it's hard to play those shots and will only do it when the ball is in a decent position to. Cause they're just playing late cuts off their body and it's stupid...

Hehe, yeah, that's down to the late cut shot parameters. I'll play around with that and see if I can come up with something a little more realistic.
- check leg byes

And yep, just make it maybe a touch easier to play leg-side shots so they don't come off the pad as often and make it more likely when it hits the pad to just fall down at the batsman's feet (or close to them :p) rather than racing to fine leg all the time.


Cool, let me try it at a slightly lower value first. Maybe something like (10 + batting skill/10)%. Or alternatively (10 + aggressiveness/10)%.

Depends on whether you have aggressiveness rates for every batsman. But hmm, maybe have something to do with skill level and ball condition as well, with ball condition being the main factor.


Will fix that up too Maybe 25% slower?

Couldn't give you a %. Wasn't really paying much attention. Just looked up when Kervezee was on about 25 and he was at 0 stamina, lol.


And also since you keep forgetting to address it, the batsman sometimes won't play shots even when you tell them to. Cut shots and cover drives in particular. I think moving the batsman makes it more likely for the batsman not to play a shot as well but idk.
lol, I've made extra sure of that. I try setting my footing early, when I normally do, later, it still made no difference. I try tapping the button (the shot direction) over and over again sometimes and it still makes no difference.
Please do (liked it better with the 2 extra buttons for front foot and back foot dab), still though, even when I press it once, it still doesn't. And even if it was a dab shot, shouldn't it still try and hit the ball, lol?

And what's a chip shot? :p
Hehe, I just set all (read: most) of the dab shots to play the defensive animation. Can't afford new animations :P

I'll switch it back to separate buttons, but I'll do away with the chip shots because you'd then need 8 buttons to play the various shots.
Ireland - 194 all out (38.5 overs)

W Porterfield lbw T van der Gugten 20 (22)
P Stirling b. A Malik 13 (18)
E Joyce c. T van der Gugten b. A Malik 3 (9)
N O'Brien c. A Kervezee b. T van der Gugten 3 (5)
K O'Brien c. P Borren b. P Seelaar 24 (24)
G Wilson b. P Seelaar 44 (47)
A Cusack b. P Seelaar 8 (14)
T Murtagh c. A Kervezee b. A Malik 5 (10)
T Johnston not out 32 (42)
G Dockrell b. M Bukhari 22 (37)
B Rankin b. T van der Gugten 4 (5)

Extras: 16 (1 wd, 1b, 14 lb)


M Bukhari 6-0-38-1
A Malik 9-0-33-3
T van der Gugten 6.5-0-37-3
P Seelaar 10-0-36-3
R ten Doeschate 3-0-20-0
P Borren 4-0-15-0

Netherlands wins by 83 runs
MOTM: M Swart (71* off 66)


Hehe, I just set all (read: most) of the dab shots to play the defensive animation. Can't afford new animations :P

oh, is that why it sometimes looks stupid, where it looks like he's playing defensively and at the last second plays an awkward looking shot? xD

And hmm, I think I'm going to stay away from dab shots. They seem to never make contact then :p So may want to fix that up but I can provide better feedback on them when you add the extra buttons for them though.


Anyway, please do not make it any harder to get the tail out when fixing up the batting :p That was just painful xD
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